If you look at all the quote boxes, It's kinda trippy.You got that right Mr. 601.Oh yeah, Sorry, forgot who I was talking to.Now on to the whorring?Sorry, I'll stop that now.And yes dang it. I AM SCARRED!!!Don't be scared, I'm not THAT scary. It only hurts the first time, or so I'm told. OK, I feel dirty now. Sorry if I mentally scarred you forever.Come on, You know you wanted to know what a tall fat man does in Porn...... I mean Movies!Dang it man.Sure can ya sing."All Whoring, All the Time"Happy Birthday Nate, AKA Postwhore248!!!
Title under username says it all man.
I turned over a new leaf today.
All whoring; all the time.
Sounds like a BAD movie............ can I be in it?
Also, there is a little nude scene.
But I just can't go into details.
SWEET, so I get to be naked?
Umm...... I can sing, I can dance, I do my own stunts, I do my own sex scenes (except the gay sex scenes, then Rhythm steps in, He's my body double), and I have this amazing talent to touch my nose with my Pen......... Tongue.
Way too much info.
I'm a little scared now.
Thanks for page 3.
No problem, If we keep quoting..... Page 4 in NO TIME
What in the world do you think I've been doing for almost 2 years now.