Happy new Busa owner.

:welcome: Welcome to the .org and best of luck with your Busa.
I have been riding for about 43 years myself and the Busa is my first sportbike.
I am going on 59 and any thread that guys older than me post on makes feel
like a teenager! :rofl::rofl:
:welcome: Glad to have you on the org. I guess I'm one of the young guys now as I'm only 60!
I went from a blacked out streetbob to my sexy white "Rocket Bike" busa. I've never enjoyed riding more than I do now. :welcome: to the Org.


Thanks everyone for your kind comments.
I'm so surprised and delighted to see so many other old timers
that have Busas.!!
Tdog, that's a mighty fine lookin Busa you got there.!!
It's a time machine, too! Makes ya feel 20 (or more) years younger! Press the starter button, all the aches, pains, stress and worries vanish. That effect lasts long after it's parked. Enjoy! Way to go!:thumbsup: