(smonroe86 @ Jun. 19 2007,23:19) that normal stuff though people fail everyday and we go cordon off the area and clean it up this captain was telling me the other day that they were on a patrol and around the block all they heard was a bomb go off so they go off to where they heard and the sound and followed the blood trail and found a iraqi and his arms and legs were blown off and blew this guy down the road....But it is all teens.. The insurgents basicly put out on the street they need people to work for them and so some kid will say ok i will do it and the insurgent will say well i will give you $100 if you take this bomb and setup it up and will give you an extra $50 if you record it and show me what happens. Well they are going to set it up and BOOM cause of a default.
For the people that dont know about thier quality of product well it SUCKS and with all the sand it makes it worest. I paid $10 and got a 220v power strip from an iraqi well i pluged in my alarm clock which was 220v also and it blew the strip out and caught on fire well for one this strip had 20 plug-ins on it. and each plug was linked together with wire that is like 20-25gauage