Hard drive crashed on my Dell laptop

(Juggler @ Sep. 24 2006,19:19) You didn't mention if you lost data when your drive crashed.  If you have some files you need off of it, I have something you could try.  It's worked a number of times for me.

Take the hard drive out of the computer, and put it in two ziploc baggies.  Put it in the freezer for a few hours.  Take it out, and let it get to room temp, and re-install.

I swear it's worked for me.  I did that on this very computer.  Use it to get any data off (via network, USB, or whatever).
Ok I give up. What made you try that!?
Laptop is back. Can get sdram up to 512 for about $100. Will do later.
Freezer trick did not work, but still have not checked the jump drive for my pics.
Still no time later.
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