Hard Starting

Big O

Physicist Genii
Donating Member
Last night after work I tried to start the bike (about 48 deg) and it turned over about four times, then stopped, the lights blinked off and on, then the guages cycled again like when you first turn on the ignition and the clock turned to 1:00. (it was 3:15am) I tried it again with the same results. On the third try it started and ran all the way home with no problem. Once home I shut it off and it restarted with no problem. Whattheheckisthis? Any ideas?
the clock sounds like the big clue....power was DEFINATELY interupted for a second.Sumthin' is as loose as a ten dollar hoar.... in there somewhere.
Ground wire . Either battery cable. main fuse. yadda yadda yadda .
could be a dead battery or its time to replace the battery. same thing was happening to me and $300 later found out it was a bad battery
I talked with my mechanic and he said it was the battery, I should have one today hopefully.
It was hard finding someone who had a battery but I found one, and she starts right up now! Woohoo!
Sweet my brother! Glad she didn't have SARS!!

Marc "Howlin Mad"