Hard to pop wheelies on a busa?

Careful now or it will bite cha. But in 1st gear ( tires warm ) roll it up to about 3-5K rpm close the throttle ( now here's the careful part ) and snap it open again and    .....   woohoo!  
 I do a little of that everytime on the bike.

It can also work in 2nd gear but faster speed of course. Now that being said I have also crashed doing the same so watch out she will bite you if you give her a chance.
oh yeah and you can clutch her up in most any gear.

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Here's a short clip of me at SFV BIKENIGHT...starting in second gear with a little tug at 65mph...until just before the limiter. Remember, I'm a BIG (6'5" - 320lbs) guy so it's not so easy for me to start second gear-high speed wheelies because I NEVER use the clutch (with my size it's just too much abuse), it's always the snap-throttle type. If you can't wheelie this bike...just give up!

<div id=vpdiv><embed allowScriptAccess="never" name="RAOCXplayer" src="http://www.borotribe.com/up/files/steve.AVI" type='application/x-mplayer2' width="320" height="240" ShowC.."0" ShowStatusBar="0" Autostart="true" AutoSize="false" loop="false" EnableC.."0" DisplaySize="1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/Downloads/Contents/Products/MediaPlayer/"></embed><z>
Hey! How'd u do the movie link thingy? KOOL! I've been here for years and never saw that before ... Nice!
Wait till you wheelie with a 6 over arm. It brings a whole new meaning to the "ass pucker" syndrome.

I was riding my Busa(i've got 6over extentions on it with 16/42 gearing) and i come up to some sharp rises in the road. I blipped the throttle at the top of a rise goofing around and found myself 1 second later with my frontend at the 11 o'clock position. I lucked out, didn't panic and rolled off the gas and gently set her down.

It's like being up on a step ladder.
If you right click the video and select properties or source, you will see the address for it. It's http://www.borotribe.com/up/files/steve.AVI

I embedded Windows Media Player into the post and hosted the vid offsite. If you want, PM me and I can show you how to write the HTML code.
Remember, I'm <span style='color:crimson'>FAT</span> so it isn't quite that easy. I have to sit back against the hump, close the throttle, snap it open again, and then give a little bit of a tug up and skyward it goes. I'm a little old now for screwing around on the bike...but it is a fun release sometimes