I, unfortunately, have recent experience with the application of no-cut frame sliders. We had crazy wind yesterday (58 mph gusts) and my bike blew over in the parking lot at work. It fell directly onto the right side. I have the T-Rex no-cuts and the mounts appear to have bent/flexed, because the right side slider cracked the fairing. The fairing is also scratched on the "hump" that goes over the engine.
My bike fell over last weekend, similar to your fall. I have no frame sliders.
The damage was:
- clutch lever broke.
- mirror scratched
- front windshield cracked where the mirror hit it
- bar end scratched
- stator cover scratched
- lower fairing scratched (closer shot)
- rear cowling area scratched
In the photos above of the fairing I have already used touch up paint on it. The damage was mostly on the edges of the fairings, but there was some damage by the center bolt area. Besides scratches, the fairings had no cracks or major damage.
If your sliders cracked the fairings, I'd have to say that you likely wouldn't have had it without them based on my tip over.