Haunted Houses?

Honestly, I think the little light that goes through the trees is what's causing the "shapes" on the window and you somehow got the idea that the house might be haunted, so anything mildly strange that you see, you're gonna try and turn it into the super natural. If you look hard enough at anything, you are bound to find strange shapes... just like when you look at the clouds, or things that have no definite shape. If you took one of those ink-spill psych tests right now (with the whole ghost mentality) you would probably see some kind of ghost. But then again, I'm young and can't recall any "ghost" encounter cept for when I was little and the shodows of the trees would scare me
. However, if ghosts ARE real, and they are dead souls stuck on the living world, I would walk into the house and let them know they're dead... you know... so they can move on to better things
Alright not kidding now. Looks to me like the faint outline of a skull in the middle of the window and two middle fingers flipping the bird through some sort of drapery or bridal vail material drapped over the fingers.
I don't believe or disbelieve.  That being said  Ask the Realtor the exact reasons the previous owners have left why they are willing to leave everything. Research the house... Your realtor can go back through public records and give you all the previous owners names... If everyone who owned the house has lived there five months and then sold it at a loss...  Personally,  I wouldn't buy it unless I knew everything about the history of the house.  I am a Realtor so I am by nature suspicious of deals that are to good to be true.  Especially since it has been on the market for over 200 days and is underpriced for the area.  POST PICS OF THE HOUSE...
Good luck!
I'm gonna ditto on this. Something's not right, move on.
I also believe in ghosts, spirits, whatever you want to call them~ In fact...

When I was a young'n, back in the mid to late 70s, I lived with my Pop way up in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range~ We we're so far up I had to get drove down the mountain to the bus stop every morning to get to school~ The bus couldn't make it that far up the mountain~ Anyhow... my lil' brother and I did a lot of fresh water trout fishing back then~ We'd hike up the mountain to a nice fishing hole up the river that would hold up quite a few Rainbow Trout~ There was an old log cabin up there by our fishing hole, nothing big, just a one room cabin~ Every once in a while, when we'd go up there, there was this old guy.. kinda heavy set, overall wearing kinda guy~ He was very cool and even turned us on to fried zuccini he'd grow up there~ Somedays he was there, somedays he wasn't~ My Pop even invited him down to our place for dinner and whatnot, but the guy always had something else going on~ The wierd thing was that my Pop would snap some pics of all of us up there at the fishing/swimming hole with the ol' guy.. and I sh!t you not.. in every pic that had him in it, he would be so blury you could hardly make him out while the rest of the pic is crystle clear! To this day my siblings and I believe he was the ghost of an old minor that used to pan gold up there~
Too bad this house isnt right on the shore of the lakes that would explain why it looks like a face above an 18th century  sailing ship with the masts and just the bow visable. yes i have an active imagination

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Too bad this house isnt right on the shore of the lakes that would explain why it looks like a face above an 18th century  sailing ship with the masts and just the bow visable. yes i have an active imagination
I was thinking the same thing about the sailing ship! I believe in all that stuff. I've lived in a house where all my family had things happen. Doors open and close for no reason, knocking on doors, I even was woke to my bedd shaking one night. CRAZY!!!!
Death is just the next step in life, at least I hope it is.

I have had many experiences that were out there. My grandmother died in '90. She died around 7:15 am, just as I was walking out to my car from work. Now before I go any further, let me say that I spent tons of time with her and she taught me how to cook. She was the best cook you could ever find. Never saw a recipie before I was in the Army. Any how, walking to the car there was the most incredible smell of food in the air that you could imagine. Made my mouth water instantly. I loked at my friend and said "my Grandmother just died". The phone call came about 5 minutes after I got home.

Three of us were fishing one day in Oil Creek State Park in PA. Our favorite fishing hole where we caught fish from sun up to sun down. Out of nowhere a 4"-6" Maple tree breaks off about 4" from the ground. No bears or anything in the area, no sound, just the tree snaping like nothing. We got the hell out of there real quick. (been up close and personal with a couple of bears so I know what to look and listen for) There were 3 of us that day. On another day I was by myself on the bike trail when the same thing happened. This time there wasn't a sole in sight. I jumped on the pedals and got out as fast as I could.

One of the houses I lived in growing up had one of the original owners die in the upstairs bedroom. The house was around 120 years old in '76. There were certain boards on the second floor that used to creek every time you walked across them. Every night around 7:30 the boards would creek, the toilet would flush, and the boards would creek back to the bed room. My bookshelf would also vibrate just enough to make my alarm clock click on the self. I would have to put the clock on the floor to go to sleep. Never paid much attention to it.

Too many more to type out.

As far as the figures in the windows go. Take out the screens, and re-take pictures. As long as you don't feel threatened in the house you should be OK. The real estate agent has to give you full disclosure on anything that happened in the house. But if you don't ask, they are not obligated to tell you. Contact the owners previous to the current owners. They have nothing to loose and will tell you everything. Are the current owners alive or is this an estate type sale?

Good luck,

Seriously, though....I can't see them skulls. I can, however, see the candle holders or the top part of a gate or somethin.

Have the house exorcised and blessed. See what happens then.
I'm a believer, although the only experiences I ever had were good. I had some experiences as a kid after my grandfather passed away and over the last few years following my sister's death.
Ok, I took these pics with a 5 Meg Canon Digital Elf camera. I had to resize, and put the dpi down to 150 dpi. The clarity is not great, but I have limited server space, so if someone wants the original large file, I can forward it off to ya.

Like I said the house was built in 1888, and the Fiance has a historian looking into the history of the house. Read comments above each photo. Im not happy with the resolution, not nearly as good as having original dpi and viewing on large LCD, but here ya go...flame away.

This Is actually the front entrance to the house. The thing Im talking about is located in the upper Left window of the house. Please note that there is nothing in the 2 upstairs beedrooms - no furniture, no pictures, no nothing but the room itself. These photos have not been altered except for resizing.
www.thevmc.com Link no longer works

Ok, this is zoomed in to 4 times the original size. Again this shows the upper left window. Again, nothing has been added to this picture and nothing is in the room, in fact the agent showing the house is not even there at this point, and the doors are locked. Know one is in the house.
www.thevmc.com Link no longer works

This is zoomed in 6 times original size. Ive had several people look at this original photo, and what we seem to come up with is 2 skulls - 1 smaller, and 1 larger (the larger is above and to the right of the more visible smaller skull on the left). Both figgures, seem to have some sort of spear, or shaft type object with a arrow shaped head, and we have no idea what they are holding.
www.thevmc.com Link no longer works

The window to the right of this window seems to have several smaller heads/ sculls/ whatever, much stranger looking, but very hard to see & havent resized that window as I dont think anything would really show up.

I have not shown these pictures to the fiance, and not sure Im gonna. Let me know what you think, but please be aware that the images do not show up on the pc as well as Ive seen on my LCD tv.
Skulls... where?? Pardon me mate... either im blind or your hellucinating
I dont see shid... I see two spear kinda forms there, but im pretty sure they are reflections.

...all that I actually see in the picture is a good looking house. There are no spirits, they are no ghosts and there is no crap. Its all in the mind. I suggest you put it all bihind you, buy the house with an open and rational mind

Thats what I'd have done if I were in your place!!

I see two stains on the screens. The ONLY way to put yourself at ease is to stay there a night or two. My experiences with the supernatural have also always been positive. Think on who is in charge of them and who is in charge of you and you'll have your answer if there is a danger or not.
It's like seeing Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich. The windows are dirty or the glass has some light-diffracting flaws in it and you caught it at the right angle.

I'd move in tomorrow. As long as the wiring and plumbing are up to code.

Still, it will be interesting to hear what the historian comes up with and to hear about your future adventures in the house.

Go see that movie, "The Skeleton Key," in theatres now!

wow i looked at it closer..its definitely a husband and wife or an old man and a daughter....If you pay attentioin you can even see a beard on the man..you can easily see it