Have you ever considered suicide?

wouldnt suicide hurt? i can barely cook without thinking how much it would hurt if i burned myself or iron clothes for that matter and suicide would mean no more riding the busa. dam i wouldnt be able to do your job rev god bless. prayers to the family.
Never considered it. If my life got that bad that I would think of such a thing, my default plan is to drop everything and just walk away. Walk until I hit an ocean and then stop and think.

You only get one life to live, but nothing says that you have to live the same life the whole time.
The only reason i would have for attempting killing my self, is if i lost my gf...

I wouldnt concider it for anything else, as i dont feel as strongly to anything or any1 else...

People say its selfish to kill yourself but then, if you was the person wanting to end it all, you dont think like that, even if people say that you can do without or better "that means nothing" when the person you want is saying it...
My mindset is not geared towards this, The more something takes a hold the harder I fight. That's just the way I was raised, Personally and I mean my personal opinion for me is that this would be a cowards way out. I'm not saying eveyone who commits suicide is a coward, I'm saying that I would consider myself a coward.

I can't put myself in the shoes of of people who have as they must have been under severe duress for them to want to bring their life to an end. At the same time every fiber of who I am is a fighter and I couldn't do it.

Rev it's gotta be a hard day especially so close to the holidays to have to bring this sort of news. And I can only imagine the pain it could bring to have to deliver that message.
Never had suicidal tendencies. But, I thought, if it ever came to that, I would swipe a
case of dynamite, sneak out to the Nevada Test Site, and nobody would ever know.:laugh:
I'm sorry to hear about this, and my heart goes out to the wife and the family. Rev, you are a wonderful person to be so caring, I can't imagine having to do what you do.

I've been depressed for several years and have many suicidal thoughts. I have a family that loves me and I could never do that to them. These kind of feelings are caused by problems in the brain. Some parts of the brain either have too much or not enough activity. I know what it is like to feel like suicide is the only answer, but it's not!
Permeant solution to a temporary problem is the idea I was struck with when I put a shotgun barrel in my mouth at 17. I am glad I did not go through with it. I would have missed out on some great things in life!
Crossed my mind yesterday in fact,.....had a horribly ****ty day and with the way my life's been going the last 3yrs and especially the last 6 months or so....it was prevalent in my mind....even contemplated best way to do it. However, Knowing what i'd be putting my family through was enough to put the thoughts out of my head. Tried expressly to put myself in my dad's shoes.... I like some of my deepest friends know, want NOTHING more on earth than to be a dad. And thinking as a dad what it would be like to lose a son....i couldn't do that to anyone close to me.
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Crossed my mind yesterday in fact,.....had a horribly ****ty day and with the way my life's been going the last 3yrs and especially the last 6 months or so....it was prevalent in my mind....even contemplated best way to do it. However, Knowing what i'd be putting my family through was enough to put the thoughts out of my head. Tried expressly to put myself in my dad's shoes.... I like some of my deepest friends know, want NOTHING more on earth than to be a dad. And thinking as a dad what it would be like to lose a son....i couldn't do that to anyone close to me.
Posted via Mobile Device

Red, you gotta remember this: THE SUN IS GOING TO COME OUT TOMORROW, THE NEXT DAY AND THE NEXT DAY. No matter how bad it seems, still breathing is a small victory and it WILL get better.
Im acutally a member on here under another name, i made this s/n because im both ashamed and dont really want people to know the thoughts ive had.

Within the past year, ive gone through a lot of tough times. Was facing losing my career, got divorced, didnt really know what to do or where to turn. I guess i can say i never seriously thought about it, as im still here, but it has crossed my mind several times.

I can tell you guys that until recently, its never crossed my mind, but when things get bad, and as other have said, and you see no way out, you dont know what youre actually capable of. I spent a lot of time drinking at the bar, and sitting home alone with just alcohol and my thoughts, and i can tell you, that was the worst thing i could have done. i have firearms in the house, so it would have been very easy for me to carry out my thoughts. I cared about my parents feelings, and most of all, not being there for my little girl. In all honesty, i didnt really care about the ex wife's feelings, in a way i guess i wanted her to hurt as much as i was hurting at the time. I wanted her to realize that she would have been a large reason in why i did what i did, and i didnt care if she had to live the rest of her life knowing that.

My now ex wife has said she is worried about me given everything i was going through, and wanted me to get some help. Problem is, if i got the help i needed, i could no longer be in the profession i am in, so i was kinda stuck.

Since then, im happy to say im back to work, in a better spot actually, and things are getting better. I still have hard days all the time thinking about the divorce, but the ball wasnt in my court and there was nothing i could do to fix our problems.

I think about what peoples life would have been like had i followed through with my thoughts, and it would have been hell for my parents, and for sure my little girl. Honestly, i still have hard feelings toward my ex, and still dont really care how it would have affected her.

I have tried to stay busy and to avoid sitting at home alone, and its helped a bunch. Things are better now for the most part, and im glad im still around to watch my little girl grow up. :beerchug:
Glad to see you got thru it. You are right, the moment your daughter was born, your life belongs to HER, not YOU. Not matter how bad it gets, she needs YOU to be HER DAD. Hang in there!
I thought about it awhile ago and I never told anyone until now,but at the time things where really bad for me at work. I came close but when I closed my eyes all I saw was my wife and two kids at the time and I couldn't do it. After that I just stuck it out at work and today I'm fine.
I'm in the same boat as newguy1. I think about it every day, and if things don't improve in my life in the next month or so, I'm checking out.
Worst time of year absolutely. GET HELP when you need it. I was screwed up after 9-11 having lost friends and family [ relatives and brother F/F's] Got help and got back to where I was before. Not normal but never was:laugh:
After watching my mom attempt suicide, it hasn't crossed my mind. She is glad now that we were old enough to call 911 and get her help. There are so many ways to get help NO ONE should put anyone through that. It's bad enough losing family and friends to the everyday issues in this world.
Seems to be an overwhelming number is people here that have, or are considering this. Perhaps the other forums that I frequent don't have the same trust and family feeling that this one does but I find it a little disturbing that the numbers are so high at the org.

Winter sucks, I know. One ride on the 'Busa is all it takes to brighten my day, of course it's sealed in the garage for the next 80 days or so. There's a reason that you never see designated motorcycle parking spots in front of psychiatrist's offices... motorcycling is therapeutic in itself.

Keep your collective chins up, life always goes on and time heals all wounds. :beerchug:
nope never contemplated it

suicide is a chickens way out

neighbors bro commited suicide this yr, 50+ y.o. going nowhere in life, drugs, drinking, living at home w/ this alky dad. 20 something daughter who he really didn't have contact w/. wrecked my neigbor and he had to lie to his kids about uncle johnny's death.

then several weeks later, same neighbor, wife's cousin commited suicide.

yeah they had a rough yr, and faced getting laid off on x-mas eve. he got a slight extension till feb.
I agree 100% with the "Chickens Way Out" and being the ultimate selfish act one can commit.

I had a long time hunting buddy, 35 years old, new born baby. 3 years ago Wife wants a divorce and had some tax problems and decided suicide was a better option. I truely miss him this time of year as we spent alot of time together during hunting season. Brings tears to my eye's reading these stories, and knowing how I've felt living it.

There's nothing more precious than life, and if life is so bad you think your only out is death.............Just make changes, small ones, big ones, whatever it takes to put you in a better place. It's sure better than hurting the many that do love you.