Have you ever noticed!!


Donating Member
That we always wear at least the minimum gear (helmet,pants,shirt,and shoes) or we are fully geared. We always take extra precaution when riding as to avoid incident and yet we are the ones that wreck. I see countless people ride with no gear and act completely stupid and never pay the price. Yet i ride like a sane person as just to enjoy riding like everyone else and me as well as others on this forum pay the price for it
i wear diffrent amounts of gear at diffrent times but never without helmet.
I wear my leather boots, overpants, jacket w/armor, Gloves & Helmet all the time. Not sure that going without it would make me any safer.
I think minimum gear is a helmet, boots, jacket, gloves, and jeans... I cringe when I see someone on a sportbike without a jacket, or with tennis shoes. I feel guilty when my jacket is unzipped. A lot of people call us riders with extended arms and big tire kits posers, but the guy riding with nikes and a t-shirt is the real poser/squids...imho...!:beerchug:
working in a few hospitals has shown me that the riders who don't wear gear are always more messed up then the people that do wear they're gear... :thumbsup: and it's equal people always get into accidents...
Helmet, Jacket with armor, Draggin jeans with cavlar, Leather boot & gloves...
Cant say it will save your life. But may help more then if you didnt... Sorry but you are a complete moron if you dont wear a helmet & full face always...You will never change my mind about that issue, No matter if it legal in other states
It is odd that so many ride without a shread of gear and not a care in the world. ???

Just know that when it happens you'll be more likely to walk away with some torn-up gear instead of ...
I just pisses me off because i know so many people that ride careless and with out gear and me of all people have to pay the price when i ride with sanity and precaution for my self and others. I literaly want to pull out my gun and shoot people that dont wear their gear or who are riding stupid sometimes
here i an interesting story... young kid come into the ER motorcycle accident... was wearing his helmet smart kid cause he had a concussion one pupil larger then the other and he was confused... if he didn't have his helmet on he would have been a brain bleed for sure and he hit a tree which would have taken a lot of skin off...

so here is the interesting part he had a piece of string from his jeans/under ware wrapped around is peni$ now when he hit the tree it shifted his pant violenty and that little string acted like a chain saw... now it didn't cut it completely off but it cut deep enough so the skin and some of the meat had to be surgically repaired... :laugh:
If Im only trolling around town doing 30...I wont wear the helmet...but if I'm going anywhere above 30 or in allot of traffic I will put on the helmet....Im not a big helmet fan but do recognise the safety, and will wear it when the odds of an accident climb do to where i'm riding ect....and I always have on leather boots gloves and jacket no matter what....
now it didn't cut it completely off but it cut deep enough so the skin and some of the meat had to be surgically repaired... :laugh:
ouch...makes my kidney stone stint seem like christmas now
:poke: maybe we should all wear a cup too

while they are in there have them cut the tendon so you can get another inch or so out of it...