HAve you guys ever considered the big variance in


I was only getting like 180 or so miles out of the busa and i was hearing some people were etting 40-50 miles per gallon. Then it hit me to look at my map. and it adds fuel here and there. So is it safe to assume that the map can eat some of your gas, right. Or should i just slow down?
How do you hold the map/keep it flat while ur riding
How do you hold the map/keep it flat while ur riding [/QUOTE]

yeah that was a bit pricess Busa Brother was refering to the map in His powercommander not a road one

Anyways BusaBrother ya luck ya get that i'm with Grabntwist in the 25-28 mpg at 80 i'm screaming where is a gas station really sucks especially where i am in the boon docks and towns with good gas sations are sometimes over 30 miles apart

Hey BB whats your gearing by the way?
Really BB damn i need to get this thing tuned then and hope for some better numbers or else i'm kickin back to higher gears