Haven't done this in awhile, vote someone to the top....

Caden really is just a good kid, I've known him since he was a little guy. His dad and I went to the same highschool, he was about 3 years younger than me but we knew each other well from church. It's been a 40 year friendship with Caden's dad.

Good folks.
there is quite the little battle going on..

Ooh, just read the disclaimer, you can vote as many times as you like, but if you vote too many times in a short time frame they will "cool off" you IP. Will check again later and give him another bump.
Ooh, just read the disclaimer, you can vote as many times as you like, but if you vote too many times in a short time frame they will "cool off" you IP. Will check again later and give him another bump.
If they haven’t “cooled off” mine, I’m not sure who’s they are going to.
If they haven’t “cooled off” mine, I’m not sure who’s they are going to.

I hear ya. My wife and I have been voting for Caden and Hunter like crazy for days. Gotta be several thousand votes between us.