Having Problems Seeing in the dark

I just got my busa 2 weeks ago and had same problem(just needs to be adjusted).......the easiest way to adjust is to go through bottom......the trick is the way you do it....take off the bottom cover(instructions located in owners manuel) lay on your back feet facing same direction as bike, with your right shoulder touching the front wheel....this way you can see what you are doing and you have room to move wrench to adjust screw(you may need to turn wheel left or right to get right position).....maybe taking off fairing easier(i didn't try), but this way is quick, easy, and you can adjust both beams at the same time without going through top and bottom!
This Humble Member here... "GOD" hit's on an important point... READ THE OWNERS MANUAL FOLKS!!!  If you don't have one get one...  Otherwise next thing you know your asking about Re-Jetting the Busa and shopping for Blinker fluid...  

I would like to Welcome GOD... to the board...  


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Rev - I've been looking everywhere for blinker fluid. Who's selling it these days? BTY, my muffler bearings are shot. Know where I can get anew set
Enjoyed your post, man.
I cranked both my beams 1 and a half turns up...and the low beam hardly moved! The high beam is better but I'm still gonna go up 3 more turns on the low and 1 and a half on the high. Its no fun riding on 2 wheels at night when you can't see JACK
What the hell was Suzuki thinking?
I'll let you guys know how high is too high and where its about right....might save some other folks some adjustment trips
Thanks guys for all of your replies
I was worried that I was the only one having the problem. Yeah and keep the sunglasses off at night!
I've gotton used to using the high beams and will stick with it. Better safe than sorry.
