Having to sell my 2005 Busa...

Hey, Jeff! Very surprised to hear your news! My heart wrenched with your post and what you're going through. I am leaving from Southeast Kansas on Friday morning about sevenish. If I can bring you anything or you want to ride to Eureka, LMK. I'm staying at the alternate hotel destination, I think it's Travelers (well, like duh, I should probably know!). Anyway, I plan on staying for Fri and Sat nite and heading back on Sunday. I will take you, bring you, tote you back home whenever or whereever, whatever you need. PM me if I can help. In the mean time, will be petitioning Dad on your behalf. Much love to you, my brother!
Hey Jeff, sorry to her the news bro, I just sent to text to one my Lycan brothers to see if he can take the old girl off yor hands, maybe we can at least get her toa good home..

You'll be back on the horse again dude, keep the faith brutha:thumbsup:
Sorry to hear, '05. I hope all is OK. Take care of yourself first and foremost :beerchug:.
Man, I feel like crying Bro.....
As I get older, I dread that something might happen to me similar that will keep me from the things I love to do! When those thoughts come, it hurts real deep. My heart goes out to you! I'll keep you in my prayers that you'll be able to overcome this period and you'll be able to keep enjoying the things you love, like riding!
Maybe keep the faith and hang on to the bike a little while longer? I myself have been wanting to someday afford another 2005 like mine but to be honest with you, I think you should hang on to your baby a little while longer until you're completely sure of your situation. Don't give up! I'm going to pray that you don't give up at least not yet!
Sincere regards,
Very sorry to hear about your medical issues. I don't know you personally but I have read a bunch of your posts and I can tell you love your bike and the fun you have. Blacking out while driving whether car or bike isn't a good thing. My prayers are sent and best of luck with the sale.
Hope you get it figured out soon. Be safe.

Hope you can make it over to Eureka this weekend.
Hi Everyone... I appreciate the thoughts and prayers. I had a bad morning feeling bad when I woke up, but I am feeling stronger this afternoon. I will have to see how the week treats me. I want to defy Drs orders and ride over there but we will have to see. This group is wonderful and I couldnt be blessed with better friends. They think it may be the Parkinsons Disease. There is much more to the story, but at this time I cannot simply bring myself to write it. I will keep in touch on here. At least I am here...and I have life. I appreciate the thoughts...Jeff
Hi Everyone... I appreciate the thoughts and prayers. I had a bad morning feeling bad when I woke up, but I am feeling stronger this afternoon. I will have to see how the week treats me. I want to defy Drs orders and ride over there but we will have to see. This group is wonderful and I couldnt be blessed with better friends. They think it may be the Parkinsons Disease. There is much more to the story, but at this time I cannot simply bring myself to write it. I will keep in touch on here. At least I am here...and I have life. I appreciate the thoughts...Jeff
My prayers are with you man; hang in there.
