Haya in the Hills

Can we start posting what weekend people are open to attend so we can get a date set up no matter where it ends up happening,will have to submit vacation dates at work real soon and would like to get the week off for the event,shirt designs are in the works,

I am open any weekend to do it.
ok my work has finnaly released when shut down is. so its the last week of july and first week of aug. so i will tentatively look for one of those two weekends as i start to make plans.
that cherry ridge one is 495$ a night for 7 people and 30 more a night per person for the weekend rate... so that means if we have 10 people go at a minimum its $60 a person per night for lodging alone....if we get 15 to show its 795 a night but comes down to $45 per person per night.
ok we are still in planning phase... the cherry ridge one in tiona is a bit more expensive than the other..again...it looks HUGE with possible hot tub and pool??? but are you guys wanting to fork out the dough...and i mean up front ...its going to be at a minimum for me 1k+ for just the deposit and security deposit... last year we had 10-15 stay in the cabin... if i do this again...this specific lodge will have to be july 25-27. thats a thursday through saturday again? how many can commit to comeing? how much are you willing to spend per night per person.

now for the other place...so far they are open but only asking $660 for the weekend...(fri and saturday) for 10 people and $50 extra per person above that. also with them i would only have to deposit 20% to hold the reservation... i am emailing them with more specific details...

so...really cool place....1 weekend only. and pricey.... the other place...can hold just as much...if want own cabins folks can do that too...and way cheaper so i need some serious input and number crunching before i slap down the dough
ok the kettle ride place is only available the weekend of the aug 8-11th. the other lodge is only available the weekend of july 25th-28th. and kettle lodge does also allow if more riders at a fair price but also just like the bash if people decide to do their own cabins they are available also.

also it appears the cherry ridge has modified its price to only 395 a night based on 7 people and 30 per person after that so based again on minimum of 10 people they would be 515 per night x3 or 51.5 per person per night. again with min of 10 people each night
Dragon Azz hmm wonder how ya picked that name.... glad to see ya joined :cheerleader:

on topic this is the spot?
Tiona Vacation Rental - VRBO 454938 - 8 BR Pennsylvania Wilds Lodge in PA, Gateway to the Allegheny National Forest
Me and jeffrey are definately in for fri,sat sun...possible thursday if that is added ,once decided let me know and will send money right to you.also need to get a people list and shirt sizes so i know what amount /size shirts to get...designs are close,will post once i complete .
Ok here is break down
We are choosing between these two lodges n dates n prices
Cherry ridge july 25-28
Thurs 7=$56 per, 10=48.50 per, 15=42.33 per
Fri = same
Sat =same

Kettle creek aug 8-11
Thurs 7=$39 per, 10=27.50 per, 15=25.83 per
Fri 7= 47 per , 10=27.50 per, 15=38.50
Sat 7= 47 per, 10= 33 per, 15= 38.66

Reason kettle creek goes up is above 10 they want $50 per person more as apposed to on thursday only 22.50
Hey chris just so i understand the figures above to figure money needed...is the price for each day or the whole time per person...need to know how much i will need...thanks:thumbsup:

I know place isnt set yet but will give me a good idea of cost.
That is a price per person per day of stay based on how many stay...example 7 stay thursday, those people pay xx.xx then if they stay friday but now there's 10 staying they pay xx.xx for that day and so on n so forth.. This way they only pay for the days they stay based on how many where there to split that days cost...sorry about all the technicalities but i wasnt being "fair" last year when i estimated and asked what i thought was fair. It put more "financial" burden on those who were not at the event as long as others...blah blah whatever...so...here is the exact break down of cost per person per day for LODGING only.
ok im going to give an example of what i think is fair to expect for each cabin..

the cherry ridge one
if you were to come thursday friday and saturday... with the average of 7 , 10 and 15 staying each night based on past people showing. jeff you would pay $146.83 +tax per person or your total would be jeff (if you brought jeffery) would be 293.66 + tax for the weekend...

for the kettle creek lodge
if you were to come thursday, friday and saturday with the same average of 7, 10 and 15 staying each night. jeff you would pay 105.16 plus tax per person. again with jeffery your total would be 210.32 plus tax for the weekend.

now lets look at someone who shows up friday and saturday (again 10 people show friday 15 stay saturday)

cherry ridge would be 90.83 for the weekend for one person.

kettle ridge would be with 10 friday and 15 saturday (and i need to correct this 10 people either friday or saturday would be 33.00 per person. if 15 people friday or saturday it would be 38.66 per person...sorry was at work and quickly doing calculations.. base rate of 330 a night and 50 extra per person over 10) for a friday and saturday stay would be 71.50 per person plus tax

now lets say you stay saturday night only.
cherry ridge with estimate of 15 staying saturday night you would pay 42.33 plus tax per person

kettle creek with estimate of 15 staying saturday night you would pay 38.66 plus tax per person

now again...if more show...it effects the total one would pay as both lodges can handle more
i hope this gives a fair representation of the costs that may be incured if you come to this event...naturally i hope for a good turn out.

as i may have to make a quick decision in order to secure reservations ...i am leaning to the kettle creek lodge
Thank you sir that clarifies it perfect,its what i thought but wanted to be sure,and sounds like a good way so we dont have problems with what people pay...cant wait til we all meet again for our 5th annual HITH...