great question whats the price like
Hello guys and gals
Please email me with any questions: info at
great question whats the price like
Why are you afraid to tell us the price?
i can't say 4 certain but the only reason i can think of is because he's not a sponsor so technically he's not allowed 2 advertise/sell anything on here.... No price no sale So if he shows you something cool that he designed and you happen 2 email him later and buy said item from him he's not breaking org rules. Maybe? Idk? Just taking a stab in the dark as 2 why he doesn't list a price
I was also interested in this. We e-mailed back and forth a few times. It isn't as Plug-N-Play as one would hope. I 2nded the notion that this is a bit more of a DIY project than some may be ready to take on. I also concur the price wasn't bad. That was the last I heard from him.
I emailed, and the price is reasonable. I'm just not sure enough on my skills to not mess up my gauge cluster =)
Check your PM's
How effective is this if you are using a TRE?