Welcome man. I disagree about getting a busa as a first bike just because of the limits of the novice/beginner operating it. I hear the same arguement, "man, i don't want to get smaller bikes just to upgrade later...etc"
Sure it sounds good on paper but in truth, its stupidity. Buying a smaller "beginner" bike is an investment in your experience level. And, your experience level is what you want to pad before jumping on one of the fastest production bikes produced. Its not that difficult to pick up a used SV, 600, or the like and gain some experience then sell it the following summer or whatever. You could potientially break even doing that as they sell for about the same price as long as you take care of it.
Anyway, you're here now at this point trying to learn to ride a fast bike slow. These guys are right on. Buy some good gear and put it on every time you get on the bike. Get as much seat time as you can during non peak hours and practice, practice and practice some more.
Good luck with it man and I don't mean to sound like, I'm lying, I do mean to sound scholding but its the truth.