Hayabusa not going beyond 160kmph (100miles per hour)


Hey guys!!!!!
Please help me out this till date recovered condition of throttle body, fuel pump and tank.
Throttle body: Heavy gum deposits on take side, extreme gum deposits on intake valve
It may lead to engine damage.
Cylinder no. 1 fuel injector primary and secondary o ring is recovered to be piecred.
Heavy metal particle inside fuel tank.
Please guide how clean and proceed further.







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Hey guys!!!!!
Please help me out this till date recovered condition of throttle body, fuel pump and tank.
Throttle body: Heavy gum deposits on take side, extreme gum deposits on intake valve
It may lead to engine damage.
Cylinder no. 1 fuel injector primary and secondary o ring is recovered to be piecred.
Heavy metal particle inside fuel tank.
Please guide how clean and proceed further.

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Wow! That looks pretty bad! Hang in there, I’m sure the guys that have dealt with this in the past will be on here to give you some advise.
Blinker fluid
Really? I'll just google that, need to check on brands and availability. . .

Waiting for his reply.....................................
Take the throttle bodies, fuel pump, fuel tank, injectors to a fuel system cleaning specialist workshop and have them professionally cleaned and checked over.
The pump will need a new filter and the sock cleaned well.
You should also get a few cans of "upper engine cleaner"

and spray in to the intake ports to remove the carbon build up on the back of the intake valves.
Good luck, your bike's fuel system is one of the worst I've seen!

Wow look at that..
I'd say he ran out of blinker fluid a while ago. That's the problem right there ... look at that :devil: ok ill stop

But seriously, I'd take a pressure washer with simple green in it to that thing, then stick it in a parts washer, then a brake clean bath, then at least 1 can of seafoam throttle body spray and 1 of tank additive!
Wynn's power charge is good stuff too.

Looks like someone's been trying to run 2 stroke oil in his gas tank or something... wow
Really? I'll just google that, need to check on brands and availability. . .

Take the throttle bodies, fuel pump, fuel tank, injectors to a fuel system cleaning specialist workshop and have them professionally cleaned and checked over.
The pump will need a new filter and the sock cleaned well.
You should also get a few cans of "upper engine cleaner"
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and spray in to the intake ports to remove the carbon build up on the back of the intake valves.
Good luck, your bike's fuel system is one of the worst I've seen!

Fuel strainer is 100% choked up, all injector were cleaned no injector found faulty, throttle body cleaned.
Waiting for new fuel strainer and filter to proceed further. Parts are ordered.
Please help me out to clean/restore inside of fuel tank. Can anybody ship me fuel tank dealer because in India the prices are 10times more than actual cost of product. please
You could buy a used fuel tank from ebay, around $150 US dollars plus shipping.
Good to see you are making progress!
Hey all,
I had cleaned the fuel filter and strainer and refiited bike is working fine. New parts were ordered will take around 1 month to delivery.

But fuel pump is generating whinning noise. It is more than the engine normal operating noise.

Kindly guide what would be the suspected reason

As per my previous thread regarding Hayabusa not accelerating beyond 160KMPH. On further inspection of vehicle few abnormalities were observed:

1 Fuel Strainer: On disassembly of Fuel pump, rust is observed on fuel strainer which leads to blockage of strainer, filtering membrane of strainer is completely damaged. Order a aftermarket and OEM also. Replaced.

2. Fuel filter: On further inspection of fuel filter abrasive foreign particles were observed which may suspected to blockage inside the filter assy. It is the most costly part in this repair (15,700 INR). Replaced with new one.
After replacement of these 2 parts fuel pump noise is drastically reduced and compared with another GSX1300R.

3. Fuel tank inspection: Extremely corroded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poured Acetic Acid (Vinegar) about 10 Liters, shaking fuel tank for about 1 1/2 hour, all rust is accumulated at the base of tank, sucked with pipe.
In order to avoid starting of corrosion again tank is cleaned with gasoline.
Fuel tank rust treatment (type of epoxy) coating has been poured and spread in entire fuel tank. Kept for around 3 days in sunlight.

4. Air BOX: Air filter is observed to be partially blocked cleaned with brush & refitted. Crankcase filter is non genuine, replaced with a new one.

5. All injectors cleaned

6. Intake Valve cleaned

7. Throttle bodies cleaned

After all the repair job test ride is performed, engine performance is improved.
Acceleration is improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad it's fixed. Is the environment harsh where you live? Keep up on your preventive maintenance and you shouldn't have these issues again.
Glad it's fixed. Is the environment harsh where you live? Keep up on your preventive maintenance and you shouldn't have these issues again.

Brother reason for this failure is that vehicle was kept idle at one place for long period of time. I am 2nd owner. This bike belongs a celebrity (Cricketer). Fuel decomposed overtime and results rusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!