Hayabusa.Org Christmas Contest

Since there is 14" of snow outside the busa's hiding spot, and some folks on here dont wanna see me in ms. claus lingerie:moon:

Heres one i took for the picture challenge awhile ago, not feeling real christmasy this year

This picture reminds me of the horse that wins the race and how they put a wreath on it...lol
Santa's helper delivering a gift to a lil one, they need to get there fast so he uses the busa to pull the lil trailer with all the gifts :laugh:

santa busa.jpg
Well I got out but I'm not at home right now and my iPhone won't upload for some reason, so I'll try and get it done tomorrow but I agree I think someone has us all beat anyways

Merry Christmas all
Congratulations Hayabusa4life. :cheerleader: You win a wall Tribute and an article about you will be posted on the main page. I'll be getting in contact with you about your prize.

A big thanks to all those who posted pictures.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!