Hayabusa picture game

More disappointing than unusual...

I could have entered the picture I posted in "Who Rode Today" and asked for people to pose their bikes with a Lilac bush that is over 150 yrs old...(like the one in my picture which came from an old, old bush from our farm).
ok, let me see what I can come up with.

The old @Bumblebee is back out; I wonder if there's any good destinations up there in Canadia??

And, where is Fez?...he brought this back!
Won't be today as it's raining it's hole off out there....

I was out for a rip last night, if I saw the latest challenge I would have nailed it as I passed lots of farms and a farm machinery shop that has several old machines as displays..
Happy Armed Forces Day! Thanks to everyone who has served their countries

What is the max size/resolution on this site so I can post the photo directly? I'll resize later after working on the Duramax, post some proper photos, and get the next challenge posted. In the mean time we still need the easy pre-50s' farm or construction equipment....