Hayabusa picture game

It's been a while since I check this thread... How's everyone doing ?

Better than average…

I’m hoping to take both bikes out this weekend so what’s the next ‘puzzle’ to solve? I think we got the road nobody would break the speed limit on (was it me)? or/so what’s next? Who chooses? Somebody pick something? Something in the snow maybe or?
How about your bike off road?
I take shortcuts when needed, and ride where ever ground clearance allows.
Traction isn't much of any issue either, throttle straightens the front, and makes the rear step out.
For you guys that can't stand to get your bikes dirty...don't look, lmao
And, yes, I'm really way out in the cut, as you can see in all directions.

Not my Busa, but my 1986 ZukTruder 700, solid strut rear end due to blown shocks(jumping it). I was so broke at this time in life and having so much damn fun!
I still am! :super:

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Nice shot. I used to have its big brother, an Intruder 1400, a 93 4 speed, a real Harley killer.

I see you’re fairly new and I know what the thread title says but the rule is, post a pic of your bike (with) something that the previous ‘winner’ chooses, which was me. I failed to list the next ‘obstacle’.

So, anyone can play and the next pic should be your bike on an empty two lane bridge somewhere in the country. The photo cannot be from an archive. It must be fresh, taken after seeing what the next obstacle was listed.