Hayabusa picture game

What about a chicken? I can go chickennap one of my uncles :rofl::rofl: Or one of the geese. The peacocks are pretty feisty so probly wont be able to get one of them...

That would work for me, If everyone else agrees once a pic is posted.

Extra points for the peacock

So I was on my way to where come peacocks live to get pictures of them with my bike. I thought this would count until I re-read the challenge. Live Bird, gotcha. I got the peacocks but I was so excited to get the pics I didnt pay attention to my cameras settings.
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Here is a Male peacock with his fan down. He was running around and scared to get close to us. I got the pic though. I know the last post doesnt count because its dead but this one has to. The reason for the b/w is I was overexcited and didnt pay attention to my cameras settings.

This one was inside a fencing with a bunch of female peacocks and other birds these people owned. I really wish I had the color images because the males had some awesome colors going on.
Next Challenge: In front of a car that retails over 100,000 Dollars. If its a car with over $100k put into it, it doesnt count. Has to retail, special parts or not, over $100,000.
The SRT 10 starts at $111,570 Canadian ($104,115 USD)

I say we redo this one cause I wasn't a member then and I can get this one done easy:rofl:....happen's to be a Dodge Viper parked at my mother-in-laws apt. Dunno how long it's gonna be there but gonna try and get pics soon! Anyone object to doing this one again?:thumbsup:
The SRT 10 starts at $111,570 Canadian ($104,115 USD)

I say we redo this one cause I wasn't a member then and I can get this one done easy:rofl:....happen's to be a Dodge Viper parked at my mother-in-laws apt. Dunno how long it's gonna be there but gonna try and get pics soon! Anyone object to doing this one again?:thumbsup:

That's cool with me whatever keeps the game moving ..I was just saying wont be me getting that photo lol
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I found it on page 10. Last Challenge Cancled. New Challenge: Hayabusa covered/surrounded with 25 or more pairs of shoes. This shouldnt be to hard for those with wives who love shoes.
side note: last spring a peacock ran out in the road in front of me. took off into flight, barely missed the bike but hit me square in the helmet. didn't go down, but ended up with a concussion and a hatred for those stupid birds. useless, stupid, jack-off birds and I wish they all would go the way of the doo-doo bird.

Have a laugh at my expense! looking forward to shooting one of those birds tho!
I would love to do this one...... but the ice storm is already here and the ground is covered in ice and my babe is about 50 feet away from the house the thought of lugging 25 pairs of shoes back and forth just gives me the chills :laugh:
cant wait to see the pic it should be good:beerchug:
Will the judges accept

1/2 a busa
21 pairs of shoes
7.5 pairs of sandals

Needless to say i wont be hearing anymore crap about buying bike and truck parts???
Incase anyone wants to count:laugh: And a cute lil kitten to sway the judges
