Actaully PT's on west evans is where its at now, hell i could get my bike into that place they know me But it is one long ride and it be to tempting to go spend money on um booze
Actaully PT's on west evans is where its at now, hell i could get my bike into that place they know me But it is one long ride and it be to tempting to go spend money on um booze
I can probably get extra points for getting an ugly stripper to sit on the bike
The closest one to me is a hole in the wall one just off of the interstate. Never been, but they say they should put their clothes back on. Does that count? lol. I can probably get extra points for getting an ugly stripper to sit on the bike
Not sure id let them sit on my bike dont want to get anything you didnt want
Oh comon', it'll help ya stick to the seat!
Oh comon', it'll help ya stick to the seat!
Yeah, but if you buff it out with a micro finer towel it offers better protection against sun damage than any armor all type protectant on the market. And if used on fairings it will bring out a superior shine just make sure it doesn't dry to a haze as it must be used as a new silicone wax, on wet and off wet just left on long enough to get a good glaze.....sorta like a donut
Use this method just once and you will never settle for the lemony fresh scent of pledge again.........
I was thinking "scratch and sniff" Now that's nasty...
I was thinking "scratch and sniff" Now that's nasty...
Not looking for any that won't pass the sniff test. like my grand dad used to say(he was a dirty old man) "Women are like a tall cold glass of milk, you may be, let's just say thirsty as hell and she may look thirst quenching but if something just doesn't smell right leave it alone. Cause if not you will end up paying for it later".
So only clean sniff passing pics please....
Roger on the clean sniff passing. I wonder how long they will let me walk up and down the stage sniffn before they throw me out? I mean thats the only way to make sure right?
This challenge has gone wrong