Hayabusa problems by year

The Busa hasn't changed much in its 7 years of existence. Most of its problems are on 99-02 models which are easily corrected and from 03-05 they have made all of these corrections.
I have had my bike since 7/03. I HAVE PUT 23000 ON it. I live on a dirt rode, I ride in the rain, snow, ect. I did the valves shims at 10000. Change the synthetic oil around 5000 to 7000 and I have never washed the bike once.

Only real problem is the clutch slave cylinder failing. The oil began to leak past the cylinder. I found a person on this site that makes a fix for this problem. I believe the problem is all the lube and dirt collecting on the clutch shaft. some of the dirt must of got onto the cylinder and scratched it catastrophically. This is from the chain lube.
hmm i know that that my 04 when i got it had a problem less then 9 miles into it. It had a to have the clutch bleed they thought it was air in the line till i took a corner and it went out agin comes to find out it was a pin whole crack in it. They had to have a head technician from suzuki in conn. to come in and check it he said it wasnt common but it happins.
Still waitin on my freaking right fender and right canister seeing how it was a malfunction caused the damage and all i get from suzuki is its on its way. Been on its way since July when i bought the bike lol.

Any ways got to bail
Chris aka Outlawed

suzuki forgot to install the turbo from the factory
I had to have the starter upgrade done on mine, and it,s an 02. Other than that, I don,t know of anything else on the 02,s.
99-00 cam tensioner probs
01 frame cracking probs
and 05 - color scheme probs
I have an 01 and ride the shid out of it and my frame is fine
01 has frame craking probs? thought it was only on 99 and 00...
Yep, it was 99-00 with the subframe (aluminum) cracking. No problems with the 01 and up as far as subframes go. Did'nt 99's have cam chain tensioner problems too?
I have an 04 w/8000 miles on it and haven't had any mechanical difficulties at all. My only gripe is that the paint is the softest I have ever seen. It scratches if you sneeze on it.