Haya's in the hills 2012

Jwest,is there one with my name on it??????????

There sure is lori,not all shirts have thier names added yet....everyone on the list i posted will get a personalized shirt this year...still have 3 to do as walmart didnt have med size when i bought all the shirts last week in the bigger pack of t shirts...had to get 3 pack instead of 6 pk...and i used a different decal than last yr ,lighter material...

Not long now....will be nice to see old friends and meet new...:thumbsup:
Holy Hay-Juz, Jeff... thats a ton of work on those shirts man! personalized?!

They look gorgeous as always, thanks a ton for providing such a cool item every year!

Looking forward to seeing you all in a couple weeks:D
he no...it looks like he didnt put theshnizzl on the shirt.......:laugh:
Well just about done with shirts...heres a look at them

Awesome! Wait.. why is mine on the floor... :poke:
Soooo if Im in town...I might come up and drink Johns rum:laugh::laugh:
So I finally pulled out my map to see where Gettysburg is......Arghhh.....could it be any further away!!!! It takes me 5 hours to get to binghampton Hey, is Froggy going/
no tim has not even chimed in on this. but remember... its 4 days 3 nights so a bit of a break between running to the border lol..
gixerhp and i have been talking about food... he is bringing burgers and makeing a potato salad, ill be makeing my "killer" macaroni salad... we are doing the chili for thursday night (with plenty of grubbing leftovers lol) this kinda leaves what to have at the lodge for friday night to eat....any ideas? and no....liquid meals are not included lol thats BYOB lol
illuminati politely asked me if i could make the chili....uhhh..... meatier.... not sure why or what it means... :whistle:
I hope you make some buffalo dip this again this year... I couldnt stop eating that stuff. If your taking requests.:laugh:
shut up john or you get the "other inflatable" item we had planned for kevin last year....