ok i have picked up all the food for the weekend except for soda or coffee or anything else you guys might come up with as wanting. the menu is finalized at
thursday night = chili
friday night = BBQ chicken, fried green beans, and corn on the cob
saturday night = grilled pork chops on grill, baked vegetable mix and killer macaroni salad.
we choose to not do the buffalo chicken dip because we were not sure everyone ate it and trying to keep cost low. so based on my purchases and estimate of who is going to show and how many are eating i am estimating 5$ per person per night for food... so if staying all three nights you would only need to give me $15 minimum to eat all three meals...that is VERY REASONABLE..of course i will be happy to take donations above and beyond because i am NOT doing this to make money as everyone knows...my time, my family's time is all thrown in for everyone's enjoyment...so ....feel free to throw in more if you can.