He he - garage door opener

We don't have none of them there fancy garage door openers around here. I hered they be messy and tempermental at times. Not to mention possible "monthly fees" included for duty.
We don't have none of them there fancy garage door openers around here. I hered they be messy and tempermental at times. Not to mention possible "monthly fees" included for duty.

I heard that Dennis had one of those and he was very happy with it...said that
everybody should have one :whistle:

I heard BA had one but last time he left it unlocked from the basement it ran off with the circus...
I had version 1 of this garage door opener. Totally inoperable. I picked up a new version and the old version was not compatible with the new version at all.

Needless to say, new version does not work either. I'm continuing my search for garage door nirvana. :rofl:
Had enough of that kind of home-brewed stuff. Too temperamental and often unreliable. Usually wakes the neighbors late at night, and sometimes calls the police if you ever have to "repair" it.

Finally broke down and got a Stanley garage door opener from Home Depot. Much more reliable.
using the keyfob for my house/garage alarm system I made an output on the alarm, trigger a relay, when I turn off the alarm for the garage, it opens the door, when I arm the garage it closes the door...anyone with a Honeywell vista 10 or vista 20 alarm i can walk u through how to do this