Headlight BulB


Anyone ever heard of "Star Lights"? They are bulb replacements on www.starrotors.com pretty inexpensive but are they reliable as Sylvania.

Save your money...By an HID kit or Silverstars. The misleading wording on the box gives you a likely answer to the quality.
If you're going to stay with halogen, the very best two brands you can put on your bike are either the Sylvania (Osrams), or the Philips "X-Treme Power" bulbs. Both are made in Germany.

Powerbulbs.com is *the* place to score these bulbs. They are not inexpensive. The Good $hit never is....

Philips linky ==> Philips X-Treme Power H7s

Though I have switched to HID long ago, I am still curious to see the very latest from Sylvina Osram, a bulb called the "Night Breaker":
