Headset communicators


i use the frs model with 2 friends. works pretty good but its sometimes difficult to set the squelch just right. Just when you think you have it set, you pin the throttle open and the sound of the engine kicks the damn thing on. your buddies end up hearing your engine roar. :) I end up flipping the squelch (sensitivity vox) up and down during riding. other then that it works great rider to rider and rider to passenger. could not live without it. now i can hear my wife loud and clear telling me to slow the fuk down.:-(
I use the Air Rider headset. Really good clarity in both the speakers and the mic. It has a battery booster built in for the mic which helps but you need to be careful where you place it on your mouth.

Joe Zulaski
Don, the guy I bought my ST from swore by a company called New Eagle Communications....they are in KS 316 364 5380 they have a web site....it is called a cycom intercom.....they specialize in communications for police etc. This guy was a pretty well to do lawyer and money was no object...he said he had tried them all and this was the ticket....let me know what you think
Do any of you use headset communication devices in your helmet? If so what brands have you tried? The only one I have seen the most of is the Chatterbox. But not many people I have talked to like it. I looked in some recent magazines and noted that there are several brands out now.

We often ride in a group and I know from my goldwing days that being able to talk to each other is a huge benefit esp on long trips.

The Chapperal catalog has some others in it. I am at work right now and I don't remember the make. I can do it tomorrow if you want.
rotts ,from all the "kids" that have them said their are 2kinds of chatterbox. they said get the new one . i guess you can have 40 bikes on the same channel! about 15 of em ride around on the same channel. Ok im not starting nothin ,not being reckless, but it is good to have if you have ever ran from cops or like to know when thier comin so as not to do stupid stuff.Do you honestly think a bunch of "kids" would want to chat with their buddys while riding? its only their as kind of an advanced warning.
I have the chatter box, and in the beginning I hated them. I later used a couple of other brands and discovered that they are just as bad or worse. They all get pretty bad after 130 mph and some get just a little too much outside interference. In conclusion....I would say go with the Chatter box.
I use the Chatterbox, but have only used it with my passenger...not bike to bike yet. So far, I think it's pretty damn good. I can't say much about sound at 130 mph as I usually don't go over 90 with passengers.
I did an unintended wheelie at about a buck and a quarter while passing a string of cars on the way to the coast last Sunday with Officer Hottie on back. She seemed to communicate okay without the chatterbox.