Healthcare Reform has not affected Healthcare cost yet. In most cases skyrocketing premiums are a result of the employer. In most states insurance providers can't just raise premiums, they have to be approved by the state. Every year your employer negoiates your policy with the providers. Discounts or penalties are based on an overall
workforce health grade. The employer negoiate coverage, deductibles and services. At that point the employer agrees to pay a percentage of the premium and the employee pays the rest.
So, 4 things can make your premiums change.
1. Health provider granted rate increase by state.
2. Change in workforce health grade.
3. Changes in deductibles, coverage and services.
4. Change in employer portion.
The biggest change is usually because of #4. 13 years ago, My last employer paid 100% for single policy, 98% for children with no spouse and 95% for family. Three years ago they paid, 90% across the board.
My current employer's premiums were increased by 24%. They in-turn increased the deductible, dropped some coverages/services and drastically dropped their percentage. In the end employees saw a 12% increase in our premiums with higher co-pays. Having access to the benifit numbers, this year my employer is paying less for my medical coverage than it did last year.
So, who should I blame?
You can figure all of this out if your employer provides Total Comp. information.