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If a 30 year old woman hit you would you hit her back?

If it was in anger absolutely, without a second thought. How can you honestly expect someone to just take a punch??? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you :poke: Don't swing unless you are willing to accept the consequences. Age, sex, race and religion have nothing to do with it.

This old guy swung 1st and couldn't back it up, I commend the kid for stopping at just one punch :beerchug:
(Of course depending on the situation, if it really happened how it was explained then the kid was right 100% for protecting himself)
There is something known as excessive force, and not only law enforcement can be charged with it. True it is called something different from state to state. Only law enforcement have 1983 suits to think about. The issue the 20 year old is now wresting with is, What would a "reasonable" person do?

I now return you to your arm chair quarterbacking.

So, do you honestly believe this kid should be charged with murder due to excessive force? One punch? Not to mention that police forces and other high risk personnel are trained in de-escalating violent situations.

If it was in anger absolutely, without a second thought. How can you honestly expect someone to just take a punch??? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you :poke: Don't swing unless you are willing to accept the consequences. Age, sex, race and religion have nothing to do with it.

This old guy swung 1st and couldn't back it up, I commend the kid for stopping at just one punch :beerchug:
(Of course depending on the situation, if it really happened how it was explained then the kid was right 100% for protecting himself)



??? Is it wrong to have an opinion when a young man's life is at stake?
If it was in anger absolutely, without a second thought. How can you honestly expect someone to just take a punch??? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you :poke: Don't swing unless you are willing to accept the consequences. Age, sex, race and religion have nothing to do with it.

This old guy swung 1st and couldn't back it up, I commend the kid for stopping at just one punch :beerchug:
(Of course depending on the situation, if it really happened how it was explained then the kid was right 100% for protecting himself)

i've been punched in the head on a couple occasions. never swung back. once because i didn't think it was necessary, and once because my battle buddies restrained me before i could.
i feel for the kid-
i got stuck in a similar situation- guy swung at me so i popped him in the face. i got a charge because his face split open from the one punch i threw...
simple assault...
guess i should have let him actually hit me before i went to his a**,
then it might have been self defense like i thought it was...
just make sure they physically assault you first (i.e.: they have to place there hands on ya) then its self defense.
Let the law suits begin...One of my coworkers decked a guy at a dance club because this azzhat spit on his beautiful sister after she refused to dance with him. Knocked the guy out cold with one punch. Somehow the outside camera got him on camera. 30k dollars later and probation...he said he'd still do it again....
Man..you got to let the other guy lay his hands on you first and use appropriate force these days...This ain't the behind the bleachers on Saturday night football games and too much beer days anymore...I don't know about you...but 30K dollars is a lot of money for the 2 seconds of satisfaction of seeing this guy laying on the deck...just sayin
Mich. Burger King customer's death ruled homicide | US National Headlines | Comcast.net

Who has the best facepalm pick. A man defends himself, kills a guy by a punch, and he's going to serve prison time. What have I learned today? If someone swings at me? I must not defend myself and wait the twenty minutes for the cops to arrive, that is the correct action. :banghead:

I wouldn't sweat it, I am sure the kid is in jail though. Not sure about that state but here you have the right to defend yourself, should be the same over there. As long as he has witness that the other guy swung first he should be ok as long as he didn't keep beating on him after he was down. Police file charges, prosecutor decides whether there is a case or not. What sucks is when the prosecutor doesn't really have a case an they know it, they try an offer a plea deal to try an get someone to admit the guilt he can't prove.

That happened to my brother they offered him4 different deals to admit he was guilty of something, he knew he was innocent an refused all then they dropped the case.. what little they had of it.
when i was sgt at arms i got into 28 fights in 3 years. most of the time it was "oh were just playin" pretty easy to break up, but there were quite a few where i had to get in the middle of someone beating thier wife/girlfriend. those i got hit quiet a few times, almost stabbed twice, and took a bat to the back once. everytime i ended up on top with out having to punch anyone.
there are better ways to defend yourself than punching someone.:rulez:
i don't see this ending well for the kid. he may not go to prison, but i bet it cost him $80k.