Believe me, they really make a difference on long distances(TurboSN95 @ May 09 2007,09:55) My Busa came with the heli bars, didn't even know I had them until my friend pointed it out... my bike is very comfortable, but I really dont know how it was when stock to compare. All I can say is I like them!
i added the 1.25 genmar risers and did the buell footpeg mod. really comfortable. i'm 6'1' 290#(dwnhllthng @ May 15 2007,10:19) A lot of people are saying these are for shorter riders. I'm 6'5" and am interested in them for raising the bars up a little instead of pulling them back. Any feedback? Good idea? Bad idea? I'm a long term rider and want the comfort for the road without going back to a cruiser.