Hello everyone

(m16 @ Sep. 08 2006,20:35) thanks guys
haven't had time for the reflectors yet, i only have 300 miles on it....

WHOA!! Bought in May and only 300 miles! You better have deployed to bring such dishonor to your new ride!!

Just playin! Congrats on the "new" ride and welcome to this small slice of web space we call the .org!
How can you not have time to remove the reflectors if you've only put 300 miles on it?? Just Kidding Welcome to the MOD ZONE!
Welcome and where are you from. Im shure there are other riders in you area that are ready to ride. Well have fun and ride safe.
Welcome to the org. Nice lookin bike. Lots of great folks here, glad you posted up.
Welcome to our "HOME away from HOME"
By the way, perfect color scheme choice
I've had mine since July 21st and already got 6000+ miles on it.....would ride 24/7 if I could just figure out how....and be able to STAY married
Congrats to ya on the bike..READ a lot of info here...There are a lot of GREAT people in this family here....You'll learn a LOT>>
