My news tacho!

With 34 SMD led superflux blue and red.Tomorow will come Braking rotors and Hell blue race.I don-t know if my moto is limited because is a 2001 model for Germany!
Emilio, my love/companion/pillion/everything is from Sibiu, if you are having trouble with English, PM (personal message / or email) me, and we'll get you fixed up. Spud !!


Check back a little later and we'll welcome you properly !!! :super: She's coming over after work !!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, my LOVE Elena to interpret, properly, a good ol' Hayabusa.org welcome:

Bine i venit la Hayabusa.org. Asta este cea mai buna organizatie de Hayabusa propretari pe planeta. Toata lumea in aceasta organizatie este foarte buna si foarte ajutoare. Daca ai intrebari in modificare sau ori ce schimbari la morocicleta ori cind cineva te poate ajut pentru ca stiu si ei se ajuta unul pe altul. Chiar daca engleza ta nu este prea buna scrie ce vrei sa schimbi si te ajutam chiar daca scri in romineste eu o sa traduc in engleza. Cum vezi romina mea nu este perfecta. Spudley zice conduce in limita cu grija si cu echipament de protectie. Nu conduce foarte tare daca ai putina experienta, este bine sa te obisnuesti puti inainte. Bine i venit in lume Hayabusa ai cumparatce mai buna motocicleta.

Ori cind esti bine venit nu fi strain. Elena si Spudley.

NOW you've been welcomed properly, please make yourself at home !!! You're rolling with the hardcore now Brother !!! :super:
Parca ma simt acasa acum pe Hayabusa.org.Hayabusa este a 10-a motocicleta a mea.Am echipament de protectie cu geaca Icon,Casca Rf1000 Shoei,Protectie coloana Icon,pantaloni Dainesse,manusi Dainese,cizme Forma si Teknic speed.In SIBIU AM FACUT SCOALA.uN ORAS SUPERB,O AMINTIRE FRUMOASA.Lumea este atat de mica si sper ca ne vom intalni vreodata!

Parca ma simt acasa acum pe Hayabusa.org.Hayabusa este a 10-a motocicleta a mea.Am echipament de protectie cu geaca Icon,Casca Rf1000 Shoei,Protectie coloana Icon,pantaloni Dainesse,manusi Dainese,cizme Forma si Teknic speed.In SIBIU AM FACUT SCOALA.uN ORAS SUPERB,O AMINTIRE FRUMOASA.Lumea este atat de mica si sper ca ne vom intalni vreodata!

"For those Romanian-challenged members, let's go over to Elena, our Romanian correspondent for the translation": :oldcool:

I feel like I am home right now. The Hayabusa is my tenth motorcycle. My gear is: Icon jacket, RF1000 Shoei helmet, Dainese pants and gloves, an Icon back protector, and Teknic boots. In Sibiu (a city in Romania), I went to school, it's a beautiful city. I have many nice memories. It's a small world, and I hope we will meet sometime.

There ya go Board !!!

"For those Romanian-challenged members, let's go over to Elena, our Romanian correspondent for the translation": :oldcool:

I feel like I am home right now. The Hayabusa is my tenth motorcycle. My gear is: Icon jacket, RF1000 Shoei helmet, Dainese pants and gloves, an Icon back protector, and Teknic boots. In Sibiu (a city in Romania), I went to school, it's a beautiful city. I have many nice memories. It's a small world, and I hope we will meet sometime.

There ya go Board !!!

Well, we are the largest collection of Hayabusa enthusiasts on the planet. We really love GSX1300R Hayabusas. Our membership is always growing. We are honored to have you on board, and do the best you can with your English. If you show pictures of what you're working on, we can usually interpret and help. Use the SEARCH to research all the different things that we've already worked on. Most every project is somewhere in the archives, and usually comes with pictures. We like pictures of everyone's motorcycles, and what changes each of the members are making to their machines.

Spudley :super: :super: :super:

Now back over to our lovely Romanian correspondent Elena, once again, for the translation:

Acum inapoi la a noastra frumoasa translatoare Elena.

Buna noi sintem cea mai mare colectionari de Hayabusa pe planeta. Noi iubim GSX1300R Hayabusa. Membri nostri sint tot mai multi. Este o mare placere sa te avem printe noi si incearca cum poti si in engleza. Daca areti poze la ce lucrezi noi putem interpreta si te putem ajuta. In acelas timp poti sa folosesti SEARCH (cauta) sa gasesti diferite lucruri pe care noi leam facut. In arhiva gasest poze si tot felul de lucrari pe care cineva lea facut. Noua ne place sa avem poze cu motocicleta si ce schimbari a facut fiecare. Imi pare bine ca am vorbit putin eu sint plecata de 26 de ani. Nu ai spus din ce oras esti ?. Vorbim in citeva zile.

Spudley si Elena........ :super:

My new oil is MOTUL COMPETITION 300V DUBLUESTER FULL SYNTETIC 15w50 and oil filter is kn.I have too Dunlop SPORTMAX D208 FRONT AND REAR-NEW TIRES,and brake pads BREMBO.How can delimited my busa?With TRE?WHo can help me?How i fill the limitation at my bike?

Yes, TRE will make the engine "think" that it is in 5th gear all the time. This provides better throttle response and drive ability at 4500 rpm and under, and reduces the stubling associated with the stock timing from the factory in the lower gears. It also shuts off the high speed limiter, and lets the bike run as fast as the engine has power for. Delimited!

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Da, TRE va face ca motorul "cred" că este în 5lea uneltele tot timpul. Aceasta oferă o mai bună acceleratie unitate capacităţii de răspuns şi de la 4500 rot / min şi sub, şi reduce stubling asociate cu valori de sincronizare de la fabrica în trepte de viteză mai mică. De asemenea, shuts off limiter de mare viteză, şi vă permite motocicleta rula la fel de rapid ca motorul are putere pentru. Nelimitat! :thumbsup:

Bine ati venit la de .oRg Frate! :welcome: