Helluva story for my first busa


Hello all, wanted to introduce myself to the forum and hopefully entertain some of you with my misfortune haha.

I've been riding primarily naked and sportbike for 22 years now. Started with a 72 cb360 I bought as a box of parts for 100$ in 1999 and on from there. Really felling love with bikes when I was in med school and residency in Phoenix and used my bulletproof gen 1 ninja 250 as my only transport.

Obviously, 1999 when I got I to bikes the busa made history. As long as I've been I to bikes, no matter how many suoerleggeras or s1000rr's picked with tech came.out, the busa was and always will be subjectively to me, the apex predator of motorcycles.

All along since starting school, my deal with myself was when I pay off my student loans, I can buy a new busa. Well after 15 years, I finally paid them off on Jan 26th. On Jan 27th, I drove 3 hrs to pick up whatay be the steal.of the century: a 2020 busa with 800 miles, yoshi full system, pcv and autotune all installed. Guy bought it and had the dealership load it up, then actually tried riding it and found it wasn't for him. $10.5k otd for a near 0 mile busa with full system and fuel management pre installed! Woohoo!
Then... tragedy. On the way home, the first massive ice storm rocked the Midwest, and I totaled my truck, the trailer, and cracked a bunch of fairings on the busa.

it’s funny, I tell regular ppl about the accident and they say “well at least you’re ok”. I tell fellow bike nuts and they say “well you might as well have died”

foetunately, I bought the uhaul insurance, and holy crap if they didn’t just write me a check to get the busa fully inspected and fixed. They paid for a new yosh full system because there is one small scratch on the heat shield of the muffler lol.

finally get my bike tomorrow, and couldn’t be more excited. I have an ft ecu harness to play with some ecu settings (fan temp and decel fuel cut largely, I’ll de restrict eventually but not for now), a Translogic qs, and a busa adapter plate for my bursig, and can’t wait to get riding!

Hope that wasn’t too long winded but it struck me as at least a mildly interesting “first busa” story. Look forward to getting to know everyone here.

sorry for the lack of good pics. I took these at the dealership, and pretty quickly thereafter she left me briefly.


That a sad but awesome story since you were able to save it. Glad you finally have your busa. Welcome to the madness of the org where you'll find all you need to know about these great machines. :beerchug: Be sure to post up some more pics once you get it home.
Welcome....sad to get a bike to have it damaged before you can even ride....

Glad you are safe and the bike is fixed....
Yeah for whatever reason the guy who bought it new had all decals taken off. Those pics are from the dealership when I picked the bike up. Normally I like cleaner less visually noisy bikes... but come on that kanji is essential. And yes, the good ppl at uhaul did pay for new decals lol.
Pretty decent of U-Haul to cover the bike, getting that extra insurance pays off.
So...wait...you still have not ridden it? How do you know you'll like it?? :poke:
Anyway, congrats on an incredibly great deal and please feel free to PM me if, indeed, you do not like this awesome superbike.

And welcome to the oRg
Boy the uhaul insurance subsidiary (repwest) was fantastic. 8 bucks for the insurance, within 7 days of the accident I had the full repair estimate plus 200 for transport (I live in a rural area, nearest Suzuki certified techs are 60 min away) to have it delivered to me (of course I’m gonna ride that sumb*%}h home!). No arguing no hassle. Can’t recommend it enough.

And thanks hayaweekend, that’s a generous offer of your time and experience. And yeah that’s the shame, took it for a 3 min low speed putt around the block of the dealership just to see how it shifted and moved under (extremely minimal lol) load. If I for some reason can’t stand the magnificent piece of engineering and design I’ve worked the last 20 years to buy guilt free, you’llget first crack at it haha. It was this or a new superduke r, and again being in a rural area 3 hrs from the nearest ktm dealership... the ktm reputation for extreme performance match with lots of gremlins compared to the busa with its relatively understressed engine with decades of iteration and troubleshooting made this a no brainer.

super jazzed hopefully getting her tomorrow.
That is an incredible story! Welcome to the .org! We want pics of the smile on your face when you get to "really" ride it the first time.
Crazy fun story. All ends well, and now time to put some miles on that bike. Welcome
Man 100%. I couldn't believe it. There were two sub centimeter scratches in the epoxy of the small carbon fiber heat shield of the yosh muffler. Insurance company didn't even blink and bought a complete new yosh alpha t full system, because allegedly you can't buy just the can for the hayabusa alpha t system from yosh (sounded odd to me, but I didn't look into it too much or argue lol).

It was in absolute pristine mint condition, only 800 miles on it and not scratch one, so it will at least be in the same.conditoon. But I'll also have an almost completely unused extra yosh full system.

Total bill was about 3800, damage was three or four bodywork panels plus the headlight assembly. Uhaul insurance wired the money to me within about a week of the accident. Only downside is it's a month later and still waiting for the lower belly fairing and the headlight assembly to show up.
Nice that your getting it squared away with minimal resistance. Even better having that extra alpha system on hand. You’ll be on the road soon