Helmet Wash

FAQs about Snell and Helmets

The five year replacement recommendation is based on a consensus by both the helmet manufacturers and the Snell Foundation. Glues, resins and other materials used in helmet production over can affect liner materials. Hair oils, body fluids and cosmetics, as well as normal "wear and tear" all contribute to helmet degradation. Petroleum based products present in cleaners, paints, fuels and other commonly encountered materials may also degrade materials used in many helmets possibly degrading performance. Additionally, experience indicates there will be a noticeable improvement in the protective characteristic of helmets over a five year period due to advances in materials, designs, production methods and the standards. Thus, the recommendation for five year helmet replacement is a judgment call stemming from a prudent safety philosophy.

oh yea, and dont forget $$$$ they wont make if you dont:whistle:
There was a sign in the Motorcycle shop, helmet section, when I was dirt biking in the 70's:

"If you have a $10 head then wear a $10 helmet"

Still remember that one.