The company I bought my Arai Quantum from was Motoxoutlet. It is an eBay store, but I bought my helmet directly from it (i.e. I didn't have to bid on a silly eBay auction or wait until the company posted the type of helmet I wanted as a "Buy It Now" item); just open one of its auctions, click on the "Ask Seller a Question" field under the seller's name, and send an e-mail message requesting the type of helmet you want. I paid $414.99, which included shipping. In addition, my helmet was a special order (it's not too popular with the kids, I guess, but Nakano had a good season with Team Yamaha), and it took only two weeks to get it: sweet!
Here's the URL:
Motoxoutlet is run out of Utah, so you would only have to pay for shipping in addition to the helmet cost: no sales tax!
Of course, you've probably already checked out Arai's website, but it couldn't hurt to review the different types of helmets Arai offers. The 360-degree view function is helpful. Check out:
What you need to do before you buy an Arai (or any helmet) online is make sure you know your helmet size. Arai helmets have a different shape than Shoei helmets, but I wear the same size in both. In any event, you need to try on the size that gives you the most snug fit. In addition, Quantum helmets have a different shape and fit than the Signet model and the Astral (I guess that would include the RX-7,
too). I recommend stopping by the local motorsports shop and trying on a lid there. The kids behind the counter should be friendly about it, even if their qualification as "Arai-authorized fitment professionals" is dubious at best. Arai doesn't allow stores to sell its helmets through mail order (most likely for legal/lawsuit prevention reasons), but I don't think there is any reason to pay full retail for the helmets when similarly-featured lids sell for $200 less.
One last piece of advice: between the helmet brands, Arai and Shoei are the best as far as my experience and the recommendations of the writers at _Motorcyclist_ and _Sport Rider_. The writers for _Rider_
magazine also seem to prefer these two brands, but they are less likely to say one brand is *the best*, which is a nice objective breath of fresh air, but irritating to people new to the products. If money is no
object, I say buy yourself an Arai, but, if you don't mind saving a hundred or two hundred bucks, the Shoei is a *great* helmet. Daily use with my RF-900 allowed two full years of service and probably a
few more years, too; I just wanted a change in helmet. Shield changes on the Shoei are much easier, and my Shoei was much quieter because it doesn't have the side panels that the Arai does. Because I wear custom earplugs , I don't see much of a difference. Without the plugs, the Arai is a *loud* helmet, and a whistler at that.
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