2018 Gen-2, 20,000 km on the clock
No soot in the pipes, no signs it's been abused, quite the opposite. Bike is stock from all appearances.
-- When I release the clutch after COLD starting the bike I hear a Wrrr Wrrr sound, Quite distinctive.
It goes away after 5 minutes of riding.
-- When I downshift to 3rd 2nd and 1st At Slow Speeds there is a slipping/clicking sound that goes for about 3 cycles, even with clutch out.
This too goes away after 5 minutes of riding? And it's not the back torque limiter, I know that sound.
-- I noticed that the clutch doesn't engage until right at the end of the lever's travel, a good bit further than on my other busa which is at 2/3 out
-- The clutch fluid reservoir is full.
-- The engine oil level is a bit high, perhaps an extra 200 or 300mL is in there but it's good new oil put in by the shop I suspect.
I've put about 500km on the bike since I bought it, never noticed these issues before but they could have been there? The noises made when downshifting while the motor was fully hot I would have missed as I usually ride out up the highway never backing off, only today did I do a slow crawl around town to investigate the clutch Wrrr sound. Like I said, it all goes away when the engine is hot, it's got me stumped? My only thought is to change the oil and see if that makes a difference. Perhaps the oil in there is too high a viscosity when cold? Or perhaps the clutch has been ridden???
No soot in the pipes, no signs it's been abused, quite the opposite. Bike is stock from all appearances.
-- When I release the clutch after COLD starting the bike I hear a Wrrr Wrrr sound, Quite distinctive.
It goes away after 5 minutes of riding.
-- When I downshift to 3rd 2nd and 1st At Slow Speeds there is a slipping/clicking sound that goes for about 3 cycles, even with clutch out.
This too goes away after 5 minutes of riding? And it's not the back torque limiter, I know that sound.
-- I noticed that the clutch doesn't engage until right at the end of the lever's travel, a good bit further than on my other busa which is at 2/3 out
-- The clutch fluid reservoir is full.
-- The engine oil level is a bit high, perhaps an extra 200 or 300mL is in there but it's good new oil put in by the shop I suspect.
I've put about 500km on the bike since I bought it, never noticed these issues before but they could have been there? The noises made when downshifting while the motor was fully hot I would have missed as I usually ride out up the highway never backing off, only today did I do a slow crawl around town to investigate the clutch Wrrr sound. Like I said, it all goes away when the engine is hot, it's got me stumped? My only thought is to change the oil and see if that makes a difference. Perhaps the oil in there is too high a viscosity when cold? Or perhaps the clutch has been ridden???
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