I guess I should consider myself lucky cuz my 05LE is the sixth bike I've owned and this is my first flat. What sucks is that the bike only has 326 miles on it. I was on my way to work today cruising about 80mph on the interstate and when I was ready to merge right onto another interstate I had a BMW 7 series that had something to prove that sped up alongside and wouldn't let me over. I didn't even bother downshifting, just opened the throttle a hair, passed him, and leaned the busa over at about 100mph in a right hand sweeper. While leaned over the back end was doing this weird bobbing thing that let me know something wasn't right. I took it easy the rest of the way to work and was there about an hour before I could take a break and go out to the lot and look at the Busa. I pushed on the rear tire and heard a sssssssss sound. So I rolled the Busa back a few feet and could see a little jagged piece of metal sticking out from between the tread. When I pushed on the piece of metal it made a bigger ssssssss sound.
So, I've already accepted the fact that I have to get a new tire (remember only 326 miles on this one) but here's my question. The bike shops here in town are already closed. If I leave the Busa in the lot at work it most likely won't be there when I return tomorrow. It's a very slow leak in the tire and I was thinking that if I filled it with about 45psi and limped home (about 50mph on back roads) with a friend in a car following with a portable air tank, will I damage the rim or subject myself to great bodily harm. Sorry if this is a stupid question but like I said I've never had a flat on a bike.
Also, do you guys trust the stealership to change out a tire without scratching up the rim? I can get the local CycleGear to change them but I have to take the wheel off and take it to them to change. I've already decided what the hell and I'm going to get a new set of Michelin Pilot Powers. So if anyone knows of any good deals or anyone out there in Vegas has a hook-up let me know. I'm getting out the lube to prepare for the @$$raping from the dealer otherwise.

You need to find a dealer or bike shop you LIKE and TRUST!
One that knows your name when you go there.
It makes Life so much better if you ride.
I think you are right about limping home if there is no place to store it inside where you work. I work in a shop where it would be no problem keeping my bike there. Sorry about your tough luck. When I bought my 05 I bought tire coverage... 500$ complete coverage for five years I am limited to the oem tires but I can live with that.
As long as you dont run it FLAT you shouldn't hurt anything.
Have your buddy follow you with an air tank, take the backroads....not too fast! Just get her home.

Btw, there are some venders on this board that have great prices on tires...just ask!
Change and balance your own tires like we do !

Use this tool to break your tire bead and dismount.

Detailed instruction on how to use the tire changer above. Step by step .

Balancing your own tires, well here ya go, Playa !


<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>I got mo time than money !!!!!!!!!!</span>


P.S. this is what I use for my onboard air compressor along with some green slime (motorcycle tire sealant), and dont forget to carry a valve core removal tool, so you can add the tire sealant.

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Harbor freight also has a little yellow 12v air pump that fits between the latch bar and the tool kit and you can still close the seet over it. I added a 12 outlet on my busa to charge my cell phone anyway and it plugs right in.
New Recruit

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Location: Duson La.     Posted: Oct. 31 2005,19:51  

Harbor freight also has a little yellow 12v air pump that fits between the latch bar and the tool kit and you can still close the seet over it. I added a 12 outlet on my busa to charge my cell phone anyway and it plugs right in.  [/QUOTE]

There goes your trunk space,Playa !

I just put my modified walmart air compressor and tool kits (two) under the gas tank. Theres plenty of room, trust me !

In order to do this you have to buy or make your own quick release bolts  for the gas tank and  quick release pins for the front seat, like I have done.

Or go to schnitz racing to purchase a set of quick release seat pins and gas tank bolts.

I got mo time than money !

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sounds like there's still alot of meat left on the tire. if it's patchable, i would patch it.

the '12v' outlet sounds like a pretty good idea for the boony runs.

straightshooter and rhythm,

how does one go about doing the '12v outlet' mod?

thanks in advance!
Seasoned Pilot

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Location:      Posted: Oct. 31 2005,20:43  

sounds like there's still alot of meat left on the tire.  if it's patchable, i would patch it.

the '12v' outlet sounds like a pretty good idea for the boony runs.

straightshooter and rhythm,

how does one go about doing the '12v outlet' mod?

thanks in advance!  [/QUOTE]

Theres a couple of way to tap (splice) into a 12v source. One would be going directly to the battery, but you stand a chance of draining your battery if you forget to unplug or turn off whatevers plugged in to the cig lighter adapter. Another would be to  tap (splice) into another accessory line that is contiuously on while the ignition is in the on position. For starters ,your rear park or headlight  would be fine. To do this correctly you will have to upgrade to a higher fuse. For example if you splice into the headlight line and the fuse is rated at 10 amp then you should change the fuse size to the total amp draw the item your putting onto that line.
If your cell phone has an amp draw of 5amp and your headlight 10amp, then you will have to replace it with a 15 amp fuse. If not you will probably experience the fuse blowing when you turn on your phone because of the higher amp draw on the line.

I purchased my weatherproof cig lighter adapter from Autozone for a couple of dollars and mounted it on the backside of my brake reservoir using J-B weld.

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Correction not J-B weld but plumbers Epxoy putty (Home Depot) and be sure to sand the surface with 50 grit sandpaper before applying !</span>

If you have anymore question just give me a jingel by PM !


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The only thing I can a to Rythm's post is I took the back end apart and put the waterproof outlet from walmart through a hole I poped in the right hand side of the undertail. I used a threaded hole in the frame for a ground and ran positive to the batery. I wanted a good look at the right side anyway cause that's where the vacuum operated cruise from autozone is going.
get a tire plug kit and the 12 volt compressor repair the tire before you limp home ! cause if that piece of metal comes out its gonna turn into a fast leak ! then you can keep the tire plug kit on your bike so if you go flat where there is not imediate help , yopu can repair yourself and limp home ! this is not a permanent fix just a temporary solution . and a hell of a lot better than limpin home on a tire that has a slow leak ! be careful !
If you like the sustained 100+ stuff like me, don't count on a patched're rolling the dice. Your life is worth way more then $136 to buy a new one. Feel your tire after a high speed run, it's cookin! This sounds like a great time to work on your 1st gear rolling smokey burnouts....patch it and waste that tire! woohoo!
Thanks for all of the suggestions and replies guys. The story had a happy ending. My brother came up to my work with the air tank and we tried to put air in the tire, but the leak was too fast to chance riding. So, he went to walmart, got a $4 tire plug kit, came back, and I plugged it. The plug held well and I filled the tire and rode home. I was looking into that tire balancer and everything that Rhythm talked about, but due to work and other matters I needed it fixed.
I called the dealer I bought the bike from because I didn't want to have to remove the wheels myself like CycleGear wanted. Get this, I got Michelin Pilot Powers front and rear, for $237 installed. That was cheaper than I could get the tires alone from an internet wholesaler. Needless to say I'm very happy. I watched the tech like a hawk while he worked on my Busa. No problems here. Take it easy.