HELP!!!! I inadvertently disconnected the speedo


While replacing the low beam on my '04, I must have disconnected the speedometer. Can anyone describe, or show pictures, of what the connector looks like and where it is?
Check out the following:

It shows headlight replacement...including the connector on the cluster.
On the back of the cluster, on the clutch side you will find a rubber boot. The connector for the cluster is located under this boot. Make sure the key is in the off or lock position before messing with this connector. Connecting or disconnecting this connector with the key in on will probably cause damage to the cluster. Good Luck. Reference 7-28 Hayabusa Service Manual 1999-2000.
It's the same on my '06

I replaced my low beam from underneath per package directions. From that direction there was a connector that looked like the one on your instrument panel, but it seemed to run from left to right across the front of the low beam rubber cover. Could this be the same connectore. It had a rubber cover that had slid down the wire cluster a bit, exposing numerous wires like those in your picture. But if that was disconnected wouldn't that have disabled the entire instrument cluster? All I lost was the speedo and odometer.
Yes, most likely, your cluster wouldn't work if the connector came undone.

Couple things to check then: visually inspect the connector, ensure that a 'pin' didn't come out affecting the speedo.

The other place to check (and you should pull the left side to inspect) is to check the speedo pickup sensor. The pickup sensor is located on the sprocket/clutch slave cylinder cover on the left side. If you look at your shift lever, where it enters the motor, the sensor is a few inches above that - held onto the cover by one screw.

Make sure that the sensor is mounted correctly and if it is, follow the wire up the left side of the frame (this is where pulling the plastic helps) - make sure that the connector is secure.
I'll start with the connector pins. It's entirely possible that I rough-housed the connector, considering the tight work area and the connector's intrusive position. It would be a confusing coincidence if the pickup sensor had gone bad at exactly the same time I replaced the low beam.