One strange image...

Not to scare you, but I had water travel down the inside of a couple of my wires to the radio, this was on my car. One day it went all crazy, find the leak and patch it, that sure looks like water that is rusting and running down the inside of one of your wires. Not sure what will happen if you get a short there either, hows the bike running, not missing or anything? Better yet replace that wire harness at the very least I would check it real good if your not replacing it. Sorry about not getting to this post sooner.
So the story ends like this...

Finally go nice enough to start riding here in MN. I had completely drained the fuel tank to store the bike indoors so it took a few cranks and turns of the key to get the pump primed and the fuel lines filled again. (One little backfire too... ooops. Don't twist the throttle when starting her out dry.) But she finally lit and is running fine. Done a couple hundred miles including the required run through the rpms in a few gears, all seems well.

My guess is I just caught some strange reflection of the camera flash.
Dude, seriously you better check the muffler bearings cause that does look like blowback... There are some new Ceramic composite Muffler bearings out there that should do the trick.

Dude! Get Serious! Muffler bearings went out with Bell Bottoms! The newer models do still use spark plug grease. I'd be concerned if he's running low on the grease! Just my $1:20

Guys Guys Guys it's all done with ball bearings these days, don't you read any of the training bulletins from headquarters?
rock.gif's a bad um... Spark Plug bearing then.... Right?