HELP IM IN Trouble

Fort Myers Bike night coming up on the 21st I beleave. I'll talk to some people and find a local Lawyer that will fight the case for me. In Detroit we had a guy that never lost, $350 a case, Zero points on record, no fines. I'm shur theres someone like that in the area.
Dude, I'm not sure I'd fight that ticket. Its a blessing. You don't want that cop in court against you, but that's just me.

You can probably go to traffic school, pay the fines and have no points.

You are very lucky you didn't wreck!!
Talking to a local officer the other night. Base speeding ticket is around $155 add $4 per mile over speed limit and you you are at $655 If this was in a construction Zoze $1310. Pay the $113. IF Mich and Fl communicate you will get 1/2 the amount of points on your license. When you transfer to a Florida license, I'm not so sure the points follow the license. I think they stay in the state.

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well consider this , 74 in a 70 will get you a $120 fine. Thats what a friend of mine was taged not to long ago on his R1 here in Az. Take into consideration anything over 25mph? over the speed limit can be called a felony , also for drag racing dont know about florida but here its automatic jail time , fines out the ass , and impoundment of vehicle. Not sure on the felony speeding charge. Think its 25mph over but not sure. knock on wood but ive never had a ticket. Just been pulled over for suspension of speeding. 50 in a 35 is what the cop said it LOOKED like i was doing. Got off with a " watch your speed and be careful on thoes things. That was the zx12 tho back in Louisiana. slow down lol. Enjoy the ride :P
How on earth did you not go to jail? Only a $113 fine? Are you sure your not yanking my chain? I would yell BS but she could have been hella ugly what did you have to promise her? Anyway lucky, lucky, lucky… Glad to hear everything worked out.
I would not fight the ticket at all. That cop did you a huge favor by letting you go and you are going to go to court to say what "The officer lied. There was no traffic on the road, I know because i was drag racing a ZX-10 and flew by this officer with ease at 170mph" The only defense you could hope to use is to simply tell the Judge and the cop that you have learned your lesson, are more than willing to pay the fine, and just want to know if they can help you out with the points on your liscense. 9/10 times the judge and the officer are willing to drop the points and just have you pay the fine.

After going to court for many tickets I can safely say this is the best way to resolve the point issue on your liscense and not look like an *ss to officer who helped you out.
oki doki, no fight it...

I did call myself an ASS HOLE like 1000 times when she pulled me over and she told me shes from Michigan aswell. I think I'll just pay the ticket and forget about it.

Oh 1 other thing.. I had no Registration nor proof of insurance on me... NO JOKE!!! I'll just stay away from drag racing for awhile and count my blessings.

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i dont think michigan hears about it. ive gotten 13 tickets in the past 2 years in 7 different states and i still have a license. no worries
you have to ask if they can drop it and use the fine plus a little extra as a donation... ive done that before too
yea you didnt go to jail you didnt have trouble.
ive been locked up cause pig THOUGHT i was runnin
he was so far back i didnt even know he was there till he was runnin me into the ditch.
a friend had same happen
ended up with a coke can poured in his tank.......
hell with the ticket, go back to the part where you were getting pasted by a kawasuki....what happened there?
What happened to the good ole days? I got pulled for racing on a public traffic way. The judge looked puzzled after reading the charge she asked me what I thought my fine should be? I said 50 bucks she agreed and I paid it. This was back in 83.

Glad you didn't go down. And that fine could have been worse.

Easy on the back brake!!
hell with the ticket, go back to the part where you were getting pasted by a kawasuki....what happened there?
My Rear is .7 inches tohigh... I Don't get the grip I should be. I need to order adjustable lower links to get a perfect balance.

ATM for front is alittle to low and tomuch weight is going on the front tire causing me to spin out in 2nt gear punches "Not good"
You definetly had an Angel riding with you that day. Count your blessings next time you may not be that lucky. Ticket wise or accident free.

I got off even more.. cost me $113 and Zero points... Bingo



Naww.. there are cool police out there. lots of them.

I got pulled over coming back from the coast one time.

I was about to get run off the road during a passing lane and I had two choices, nail it or slow down and have the car behind me rear end me.. so I nailed it

As soon as I got ahead of the pack of cars I saw a CHP facing me in the middle of the road with his lights going, It was a 55mph zone and I had it cranked to about 140 when I was passing everyone.

Anyway, I slowed down but still flew by him.

He was not taking a chance on me getting away, he flipped a fast u turn cutting off the oncoming cars. however I had already pulled over and was standing there getting my license and reg out by the time he pulled up.

Told me he had my for a max speed of like 130 and a sustained speed of like 115.

Took my license, called it in, came back.. asked me how long I had the bike, told him a year. asked me how I liked it, I said it was a lot of fun.. he nodded, handed me my stuff back and told me to slow it down and have a nice day.

I was like dumfounded.. I wanted to offer to take him and his family out for dinner. on me... lol..

didnt speed for a few months after that.

And oh btw.. the person who almost ran me off the road.. it was my wife.. she supposedly "didnt see me, I was in her blind spot" I still think she saw me... insurance money and all
Can't get behind that cool police comment personally. Last year I was riding home in heavy traffic and I get behind this old bat doin 40 on I-5. So I signalled and got into the center lane and passed her. Never ever got even close to the posted 70 mph speed limit mind you. About a mile down the road I see Flashing lights behind me and I pull over to let him go by knowing I hadn't done anything worthy of this. He follows me and proceeds to pull me over. He approaches with his hand on his piece, eyes bulging out of his head about to have a thrombo! Then another cruiser pulls in behind him for backup. HE is screaming at me because he tells me he has been behind me for a mile with his siren on! Now my old scooter was LOUD so I never even heard him. Anyways he writes me a negligent driving ticket for what he determined to be passing the aforementioned old bat too agressively. Then the good part! He starts reading my life story/driving record to me. He says that I had a Neg driving ticket back in 93. I said yes it was in "1993"! Then he tells me about a ticket I got back in Minnesota several years ago that I was told would not go on my record so long as I paid it, which I did promptly. So my point is that the cops are keeping track of every little thing you ever did these days and in my case using it against you far outside of any legal lifespan those charges may have once had. Dont fool yourself, big brother is out there and he is paying attention!