Help me make a hard decision!

My survey of the local lovelies determined that Copper was the color to have. Everybody has a Black Bike.

We're not going to be much help. Too many opinions. Ask your wife what her favorite is.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 06 March 2000).]
Sell the slower one, regardless of color. Oh, and we should all have such a dilemma as to have to decide which Bus to sell instead of just being happy to own one.

[This message has been edited by vortech347 (edited 06 March 2000).]
CBXChris, I've got this all figured out! Let me use one bike for a month, then the other bike for another month. Keep whichever one you missed the most...but as it must be a hard decision you would probably regret it if you didn't let me use each bike for another month each. To avoid making a wrong decision, you should repeat this process as much as possible. Besides, I'd be doing you a favor by having the wife only see one bike at any given time, as well as "helping" you decide. This is DEFINITELY the plan of action you should use. E-mail me at for directions to my home. I'd pick the bike up myself, but remember, I'm doing YOU the favor! (keep whichever bike is faster as someone mentioned earlier)
Thanks again for all the feedback...I can see its about even as to which is thought to be the better looking color. I sold the copper one today...I just thought personally the black would look better with the mods planned...especially after looking at Franks and Bob`s bikes again. Stock appearing I still like the copper but like I said one had to go. Busafiend I`m sorry I didn`t give you a chance at it I just had a buyer that would take either color ready to buy.Once more thanks for the feedback and it really made me think!