help me "name" my bike lol

What's the name of that red candy that's so hot? That might be a good name...

Red Hots?


Oh yeah...PAGE
Mine is name "Moped". That's what I tell people when they ask what kind of motorcycle I have.
My bike's name is "Pippin" from J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional character Peregrin Took, better known to friends as Pippin, or Pip. "Hayabusa" meaning Peregrine Falcon in Japanese, was the inspiration for the bike's original design.
+1 on "the bike will name itself".
Mine is named "Tipper" since, on more than one occasion, she has tried to fall over. For example, I was moving her a bit forward one time due to parking too far back in the garage, the kickstand barely touched the floor pad I have to protect my epoxy floor as I was pushing forward and up it sprang and over the bike went since I was a little off-balance and somewhat behind the bike, pushing from the side. No damage or anything, she fell on me, really. I protected her from the floor and any damage. :laugh:

I think another member on here named his bike "Dot" since there was a spot on the tank or something that he couldn't clean off or get rid of.


That's correct DOT named herself for a "dot" on the right fairing that took it's toll on me one night.
Don't worry she will let you know when she is ready.
I named my Blue K8 "Godzilla"...Cause when I gouge on it, I keep hearing BOC in the background :) "Go Go Godzilla!"
Lookin to "name" my bike, I been thinkin bout it & can't come up with anything nobody else already has. I have an '06 cranberry/black. I thought of Sugar, kinda cuz of the cranberry color looks like candy when its waxed
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I think I would call yours Vizzy for Invisible......Since, I don't see pics.:whistle: