Help me survive this

great just what i didntneed to hear...I have 2 daughter...2 and 4. I also have 2 sons 9 and 7. I think i am going to train the boys well:) As for the girls my theory will be simple for them...the day they decide to get preg is the day they find a new place to live. For the boys the day they decide to act like a man and get a girl preg is the same day they move out and learn to be responsible as well. All you can do is educate and push them in the right direction. It up to them asfter that.
My Baby Girl is now 25 years old. I beat up 2-3 of her boyfriends in high school ( I told them I believed in the heavenly practice of "Laying on of Hands".

All you/we can do is teach them right, hang tough and love them anyway and it will all come back to the good side.

Good Luck and God Speed
There is no way to survive this. Every year you will start to hunch over until you wither away and die.
Clean the shotgun all you want....the boys will still come home with her. My best advice on the subject: Buy him a motorcycle and keep him real close. Raise him like your own and one day you will have a great son in law like me!
My wife went to the mall with my daughter last night.... and bought her first TRAINING BRA...

She is 9 going on 16......Cleaning shotgun now....

My daughter's 10 going on 16.

Working for the Post Office for over 20 years now, I don't think I can ever purchase a shot gun. Talk about helping me survive this.:rofl::rofl::rofl: J/K

Here's a joke for you all....

What does it mean when the flag's flying half-mast at a Post Office?

It means we're hiring.:laugh:
Keith, good luck! God gave me two knot headed boys - give them some plastic, green army men and an Xbox and I dont see them for a week! Very one dimensional!

I feel for ya, got friends with little ladies, its fun to hear the stories!
My daughter is 19, almost 20 and luckily she chose a Christian college. They watch them like a hawk and most of kids dont seem to be sex addicts. I am would have jumped off a cliff, if I had 2 daughters.
You should have seen all the teenage girls tonight for halloween...all the costumes this year appear to be very sexual in nature they all looked like hookers...terrible...
My oldest is 9 too, and that's all beginning already. My wife and I keep wondering if it's normal for them to start developing at 9? ???

This is her at about 3 and that seems like a lifetime ago.


Yuuuuup...been through it homey....if you need advice on things and YOU WILL, call me :laugh:

rest assured, this is nothing compared to whats coming:laugh:
My daughter is 19, almost 20 and luckily she chose a Christian college. They watch them like a hawk and most of kids dont seem to be sex addicts. I am would have jumped off a cliff, if I had 2 daughters.

From personal experience, christian schools are worse than public schools. My girlfriend attended a catholic high school, she said they are the worst hypocrites in the world. Many of the girls were promiscuous. My father attended a christian college. Sex, drugs, and alcohol were just as prevalent there.

The bottom line is try to give them a solid foundation about making wise choices. All too often parents teach sex as being so much taboo, that their children (boys as well as girls) do it for curiosity sake.

One thing that is neglected is the psychological impact of premarital sex. The more you do it, the greater the chances marriage ending in failure.
My oldest is 9 too, and that's all beginning already. My wife and I keep wondering if it's normal for them to start developing at 9? ???

This is her at about 3 and that seems like a lifetime ago.

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I think it's a little to early too Tim, it's been getting earlier last 50 years or so I saw an article about it. A lot of it apparently related with the growth hormones we are putting in food we eat. Until she comes running out screaming "I'm bleeding to death!" I'll be ok...I'm NOT ready for that.

Angel, start making notes now buddy....

Lastly, I went to a Christian private high school...was a long time ago but I would say that I was not nearly as exposed to stuff as my public school peers were. By the time I got to college, It was certainly an eye-opening experience, but by that time I had developed enough sense of self not to allow peer pressure to get me into trouble...other than that, me being afraid my dad would kick my azz also helped...which won't work on fragile little girls...
im not giving any advice for fear of jinxing it my ownself on this one, my daughters 16 and still going on 21 and yes i do remember when she got her first bra and was just as freaked as u are now, where's the tylenol...:rofl:
My oldest is 9 too, and that's all beginning already. My wife and I keep wondering if it's normal for them to start developing at 9? ???

This is her at about 3 and that seems like a lifetime ago.

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I have a really close female friend who had her first . at age 6. Yes that's a six! I didn't think this was true so I did a little research and like skydivr posted it's been increasing and it's thought to be linked to the hormones added to farmed meats and fish. In another case, I remember a family whose daughter was developing at 5 years old. They changed her diet and bought all natural free range meets and she stopped developing.

Moral of this story be aware of what you're eating!