help new member please

psst..........nobody has covered this yet, but I think it's your battery
its the flux capicaitor thingy ma bobby...I think there is a picture of it in anouther thread, where evryone was guessing what it was...LOL
I would look at vapor lock if the battery is OK. After the bike gets warm and will not strart, lift the fuel tank up so it "forces" fues into the pump. It should start right up. With the external fuel pump in the 99 the fuel may be vaporizing while sitting still.
I would look at vapor lock if the battery is OK. After the bike gets warm and will not strart, lift the fuel tank up so it "forces" fues into the pump. It should start right up. With the external fuel pump in the 99 the fuel may be vaporizing while sitting still.
would be nice if you could get a newer tank with the internal fuel pump in the future probably anyway, but may not find a paint match....
Sounds like the battery. If it was the kickstand sensor it wouldnt even try to turnover. Start there and work forward. Good luck ...welcome ...:welcome:
:welcome: to the oRg. There's a whole section in the manual devoted to troubleshooting the electrical. As long as you have a meter it will be very simple for ya. Check out the on-line manuals if you don't have one.
welcome :thumbsup:

Its the battery,since you already have one I can only recommend that higher cca one for your next one but it makes a ton of difference :beerchug:

post some pics when you get a chance... its in the:rulez: somewhere :whistle: