Hi all
Just removed my right fairing to top up the cooling water. I read the powerpoint in the sticky section and followed it step by step However I managed to break the whole top fairing hanger off the fairing not sure how this happened but it has so I need to get it sorted. This is where my friends in the "org" come in I need some advice on the best way to attach it. I've already tried plastic welding it and super glue, but to no avail Do you think fibre glass might work? I'm open to any ideas that might save me having to buy a whole new fairing.
Just removed my right fairing to top up the cooling water. I read the powerpoint in the sticky section and followed it step by step However I managed to break the whole top fairing hanger off the fairing not sure how this happened but it has so I need to get it sorted. This is where my friends in the "org" come in I need some advice on the best way to attach it. I've already tried plastic welding it and super glue, but to no avail Do you think fibre glass might work? I'm open to any ideas that might save me having to buy a whole new fairing.