

orange peel is caused by excessive speed
Donating Member
I"m trying to get the can off my midpipe and it seems to be sealed to well that it won't come off.

anyone got any ideas that doesn't involve a vise?

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all I can think of is a couple strap wrenches.
Never changed them out, but you may want to let some penetrating oil soak into the gap overnight, and then like you said...a couple of strap wrenches.

Make sure you also try to go easy vs. brute force. When there's a tight fit, ANY misalignment will cause the parts to bind. You more of a wiggling, then trying to force it.

Good Luck
well I would like it apart but I guess its not necessary. I"m trying to get it apart so I can package it up and sell it.

I suppose it wouldn't need to come apart but that would be a huge box to ship.
Try wiggling it back and forth to loosen it up, then work it around in a circular motion as you pull on it...

Man, that sounds perverted.
yeah you'd think that would work but it won't budge at all.... I"m off to get some strap wrenches tomorrow.
well I broke a dang $10 strap wrench messing with this... finally soaked it in WD40 for about 4-5 hrs and finally got it worked loose and off it came.