Here is my new Busa


I can't wait till the snow melts!

Here she is.

Thanks Mr Salesman


Maiden Voyage


The dealer was supposed to take it out. When I showed up it needed gas. It was about 3 miles roundtrip and cold!
Nice bike man. I also like the all black. It matches my all black Suburban.

That is real sweet. Congrats. Hope you didn't get a lot of salt spray or mush. Ride safe and cheers

sweet ride dood! I just bought my SE yesterday! Dood you hayabusa owners have been holding out! Not only is the busa extremely comfortable, it's fast, it can corner, and its the best damn looking bike on the planet (plus the insurance rates from state farm are awesome! only $40/month for full coverage including theft? WTF&#33
. I've had 3 people approach me and say "dood, what the hell kind of bike is that? It looks like a rocket sled, or a missle with wheels? Is that bike as fast as it looks?"

I got 200 miles on my busa, and it is such a great bike, my wife loves it. It's so much more comfortable than my 2000 GSXR750! Here is my SE, I bet you cant wait till the snow thaws out. Come down to florida, it's 65 degrees and gorgeous!

Great choices in the color. Glad to see you got your SE Mike, I was very pumped when I got mine. You are right, I was very surprised on how easy it handles. Looks big but feels small...but the power is huge.
I am excited, yet, I am not. My brother didn't understand. This is my 3rd new bike in 4 years. I am excited, but I have to break it in and the snow just keeps coming, so it is a little anti-climatic. I will do the pipe and pair removal at the first service.

You should have seen the looks at the gas station. There was so much snow on the ground. I was just laughing to myself.
Nice bike!!! Now move to Cali and ride the heck out of it!!!

Marc "Howlin Mad"
Sorry Busahigg. I already lived there. San Antonio. Fort Sam Houston, SIR!

I also can wheelie quite a distance. My longest was 3 miles at 120mph seated. That was around corners though. I will have to practice a little with the Busa.