Here we go again... govt telling banks to "loan"

Term limits and elections are not the same thing, and you know it. Elections have become a spending and lying contest. Just like the propositions on the ballot in your state. How many times does a clever campaign ad muddy the waters intentionally so the average voter barely knows what they are voting for or against? And that's a simple yes or no vote....
Term limits as I see them would require the official to go do something other than politics for a significant period of time subsequent to their term in office. They would not be focused on re-election when they should be doing what their constituency wants.

we create the problem...and term limits will not fix it. term limits are not going to make people care, or actually cast a vote based on research they have into the candidates.....

all term limits do is replace one sellout ***** politician...with another sellout politician.

the system works, the people just have to care enough to use it....
we create the problem...and term limits will not fix it. term limits are not going to make people care, or actually cast a vote based on research they have into the candidates.....

all term limits do is replace one sellout ***** politician...with another sellout politician.

the system works, the people just have to care enough to use it....
Called the "good old boy" system......hasn't changed in the last 100 yrs, likely won't in the next 100. Even the most honest people seem to get caught up in the politics and before their first year is up they're corrupt!
They're corrupt before they ever get in there. Do you guys not realize how much money it costs to run for president? You think these guys just pull that money outta thier butts? Once in office...they already owe favors to alot of companies and people. Favors that will effect every single decision they make for the entire time they're in office. The presidents actions are bought and paid for before they ever swear in....PERIOD!
Called the "good old boy" system......hasn't changed in the last 100 yrs, likely won't in the next 100. Even the most honest people seem to get caught up in the politics and before their first year is up they're corrupt!
Exactly. It is terminally flawed. The system of representative democracy works in theory, but not when the decay is this advanced. Our system is rotten to its core. It was first biased against women, then minorities, then gays. We enacted laws to prevent these biases. Some worked, others not so much..... Now the bias is more along socio-economic lines. At first it was the most poor, regardless of color (think rural eastern kentucky, or inner city baltimore for example)that were left out, now our government's inability (or unwillingness) to serve has expanded to include the working lower and middle classes. This is not a racial, gender, religious, sexual orientaion, or any other sub-groups problem any more. It is imperative that the people of this country recognize what is being done to us. We are allowing our attention to be diverted by silly squabbles amongst ourselves, all the time the government removes more and more of our rights and freedoms (lately under the guise of homeland securty) and furthers the interests of the few individuals and groups that ply them with money and influence. We can never hope to solve the problem until we recognize what's happening and put our differences aside.
once again.....we have had 5 Presidents in the last 30 years.

there are nearly 100 members of congress that have been in washington for over 30 years.

if you want to make change, you can do it with your own reps. these seats can be effected, sometimes the winning margin is less than 1000 votes.
The truth of the matter is, if people still lived with CHARACTER, HONOR and INTEGRITY we wouldn't have this problem - instead, we have created a system where GREED, SLOTH and lack of Integrity appear to be the most valued and what gets ahead.

The system only works if the people in it have CHARACTER. That's our REAL problem.
The truth of the matter is, if people still lived with CHARACTER, HONOR and INTEGRITY we wouldn't have this problem - instead, we have created a system where GREED, SLOTH and lack of Integrity appear to be the most valued and what gets ahead.

The system only works if the people in it have CHARACTER. That's our REAL problem.
once again.....we have had 5 Presidents in the last 30 years.

there are nearly 100 members of congress that have been in washington for over 30 years.

if you want to make change, you can do it with your own reps. these seats can be effected, sometimes the winning margin is less than 1000 votes.
The system is broken. No point in electing somebody else to accept the money that runs sh!t, it doesn't fix the problem. As soon as the new guy gets there he has to start figuring out how to stay there. This would not be an issue if he couldn't come back......
If you had a huge cut on your leg that was leaking blood, you wouldn't simply have a constant transfusion to keep blood in your body, you would figure out how to stop the bleeding.........
The system is broken. No point in electing somebody else to accept the money that runs sh!t, it doesn't fix the problem. As soon as the new guy gets there he has to start figuring out how to stay there. This would not be an issue if he couldn't come back......
If you had a huge cut on your leg that was leaking blood, you wouldn't simply have a constant transfusion to keep blood in your body, you would figure out how to stop the bleeding.........

they would not have to accept money from special interest groups, and they would not have to worry about being re-elected if:

1. we, the people took the time and made a real effort to vote based on issues.
2. we, the people were not so simpleminded we could be swayed by propaganda commercials.

a candidate could run millions of dollars in commercials and it would not matter if...we, the people researched his claims, adn his voting record or even cared enough to show up to the pollong booth.

but we don't.

we watch a commercial that is filled with lies, and we vote based on that.

we are the problem...
they would not have to accept money from special interest groups, and they would not have to worry about being re-elected if:

1. we, the people took the time and made a real effort to vote based on issues.
2. we, the people were not so simpleminded we could be swayed by propaganda commercials.

a candidate could run millions of dollars in commercials and it would not matter if...we, the people researched his claims, adn his voting record or even cared enough to show up to the pollong booth.

but we don't.

we watch a commercial that is filled with lies, and we vote based on that.

we are the problem...

I agree.
they would not have to accept money from special interest groups, and they would not have to worry about being re-elected if:

1. we, the people took the time and made a real effort to vote based on issues.
2. we, the people were not so simpleminded we could be swayed by propaganda commercials.

a candidate could run millions of dollars in commercials and it would not matter if...we, the people researched his claims, adn his voting record or even cared enough to show up to the pollong booth.

but we don't.

we watch a commercial that is filled with lies, and we vote based on that.

we are the problem...

+1 As I've already pointed out, I didnt even vote in the last election. There was no one worth voting for.:rulez:
they would not have to accept money from special interest groups, and they would not have to worry about being re-elected if:

1. we, the people took the time and made a real effort to vote based on issues.
Making time for anything besides money is not a priority in our society.
2. we, the people were not so simpleminded we could be swayed by propaganda commercials.
Like the movie said: "People are stupid. A person may be smart, but people are stupid." The millions of dollars that are spent on advertising are spent because it works. We as a people are lazy and would rather believe something that is shoved in front of us repeatedly versus finding out the truth for ourselves. The terminal flaw in that logic is that folks think that if a candidate says one thing they agree with, they have to agree with it all. It's sad and funny at the same time.

a candidate could run millions of dollars in commercials and it would not matter if...we, the people researched his claims, adn his voting record or even cared enough to show up to the pollong booth.

but we don't.

we watch a commercial that is filled with lies, and we vote based on that.

we are the problem...
WE, meaning society, is the problem. I agree, but differ on what in our society the problem is. You say if we would just follow the system all would be well. I contend that the system itself is broken and we would rather argue about trivial matters than fix it.
Some good posts here.

I believe that we need to get past the thinking that the government has to have all the fixes. They should slow down, exercise restraint and focus on managing their debt. We on the other hand need to start managing our own business. Consider that there are no free lunches, greed is a bad thing, and herd mentality is our undoing. Look out for yourself, and your fellow countryman. Live within in your means, limit speculation & quit thinking that everything is somebody elses fault. We don't need three bathrooms in the house, TV in the car, phones in our hands and any number of current fads. We do need to fuel our economy, trust each other, and get some hope into the younger peeps. Energizer Government is digging us in deeper.
My hope is renewed as I see more and more people awaken from the same "dream" that I woke up from. We the people are beginning to realize that while we've been arguing with our neighbors, crooks have been robbing us all blind.

Now we just need to figure out how to wake up the rest of the nation and what to do about it. :thumbsup: